[center][h3][i]SpamQuest[/i][/h3][u][i]The RTD-lite Forum Game[/i][/u][/center] [i]Tired of your mundane posting schedule? Don't have time to write a ten paragraph essay about your character eating then going to sleep? Feel like rolling less dice and using the grammar of a grade school child? Well do we have the solution for you! In a few easy steps you can play this spam hybrid play-by-post forum game where you will make a story and I will see how I like the masochist I am can ruin it with dice rolls.[/i] [u][i] Our Protagonist[/i][/u] [i]So to begin we need to have a character to embody us as a whole, one of which needs three defining traits [b]Name[/b], [b]Appearance[/b] and [b]Goals[/b]. First up we will decide upon a name going with standard forum voting rules, you will quote a suggested name with a +1 to state your vote. The same will go for appearance and goals, for appearance use something stupid like a meme or serious like your anime OC's I dunno just not your hairy ass crack cause nobody needs to see that.[/i] [u][i] The Game[/i][/u] [i]Just like an RTD (Roll To Dodge) forum game, I will be rolling a d6 to determine the results of an action. 1 being a critical failure, 2 as in you fail normally, 3 means you barely succeeded, 4 is a normal success, 5 is too good to be true and 6 is so good it's bad. To propose an action for a dice roll one must [b]bold[/b] text it so I know what action to use for a dice roll. Depending on how things go the game might progress to a point where some actions might result in our protagonist getting something from their actions. For example say our intrepid character tries to look for a weapon and rolls well they might find a weapon of good quality but if they roll badly it could be a cursed object. Actions can be suggested and in a similar fashion to creating our character by vote, quote the post with a +1 beneath it and the action with the most votes will be the action used.[/i]