[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/PJVn13TQ/What-If-Logo.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Morose][@Nallore][@Kirah][/center][hr] Pietro instantly zipped over and was easily keeping up with Guin as she started leading the way to the tunnels. [color=7ea7d8]"Are you okay Guina? I mean everyone is kind of a bit on edge at the moment..."[/color] he whispered to her, sticking close by to her as they headed into the tunnels. Everyone was a bit on the freaked out side, especially considering that likely the world was going to end soon if they didn't stop Magneto completely within the next day or so, which meant that everything was all hectic. Mary was remaining fairly quiet as Jade had asked if there was anyone else. Actually, there were, well, it was barely plural with their being anyone else. It was sheer dumb luck that there even [i]was[/i] any others. Like, the only people who had survived were either mutants, or people who managed to survive the virus because of some other power or force that protected them. Which is why they had Ben Grimm still around, and then the curious incident that was Bruce Banner, more or less stuck in the form of the Hulk cause otherwise he'd end up dead from the virus. [color=yellow]"...There's only like, three others. And I know one of them is able to survive a nuke to the city even if the city got blown up,"[/color] Lance commented with a bit of a laugh. He realized that he hadn't really introduced himself aside from more or less just saying thank you to Ed. [color=yellow]"Um... I'm Lance by the way, Banner,"[/color] he introduced himself to Ed and the group, figuring he might as well fully introduce himself to the three new people. Of course, didn't really matter if they had a very strong chance of dying in the next day or two (well, even more then usual) so it probably didn't really matter. [color=silver]"So, who are the three others still around? Or will it likely be plainly obvious once we get there?"[/color] Thalia asked as the group went into the tunnel area, and honestly now she could easily understand why no one could easily tell that anyone other then Magneto's group were still in the city. The group hid out in essentially the sewer tunnels underneath the city, which explained a lot about them in general overall. [color=007236]"I mean, two kind of stand out like a sore thumb, the other stands out for a completely different reason."[/color] Mary responded, though she was more or less mentally in her own little world. Her mind was racing a bit, and she was still [i]very[/i] hesitant to bring these three strangers into the tunnels with them. It felt like they were risking a lot by trusting them for any reason. Sure, Ed had seemingly healed the others and all with his powers, but still. Trusting them for any sort of reason, well, she was just on edge, and if it seemed like the three of them might turn on them, she wasn't going to hesitate to just kill them. Eventually, they'd reach their small area that was there own little hideaway. It wasn't much and sort of sprawled out into the other tunnels surrounding the more open area. Sitting in the corner that would be a bit more plainly obvious on the ground would be a fairly familiar hammer (that being Mjolnir), but didn't seem like Thor was in the main area currently. There were a few loud footsteps that came their way, and eventually Ben Grimm (the Thing) came into view down one of the tunnels. He instantly looked ready for a fight seeing the three new people show up, [color=B5BC55]"Who the hell are they?"[/color] he grumbled instantly. [color=yellow]"Some people who came to give some help when we needed it. It's fine Ben... Where are my dad and Thor?"[/color] [color=B5BC55]"Not that far down the tunnel from here. You all sure that it was a good idea to bring strangers here?"[/color] [color=007236]"Eh, somewhat sure, not entirely sure still if we can fully trust them or not, but they did sort of help out at the time, so they seem alright,"[/color] Mary responded with a bit of a shrug.