Dale squinted his eyes taking in the new young woman who had arrived in town. Weird clothes. Hippie Van. Across the street from Hank. "Goddamn night crawler that one." He said in a tone one might use when explaining a deep truth to a rapt audience. "Goddamn FBI spying on us. Probably making sure we all take the 5G shots." Still it was good to see a new face. Town was slowly growing. This one would turn Arlen into Austin if she's not a goddamn glow worm. Could never be too safe. He'd have to implement some counter intelligence measures. An extra layer of tin foil around the old Gribble PC, more cinder blocks in the living room, reach out to his connections on the Discords and the Tikki Toks and all that. They wouldn't take him easily, not even with all the doohickeys and whatchamacallits they had. He'd play it cool. "Probably saw Bobby's search history eh Hank? Boy ain't right."