Ah. She pinches the bridge of her nose, shakes her head, and heads for the kitchenette. "When was the last time you ate?" Pee bee and jay, that's an easy thing to slap together, Sasha showed up hungry often enough to have everything to hand, growth spurts are hell on metabolism. "Nobody's been in here to poison anything since everything went to shit except for you, and you didn't poison anything." Some bread she'd cooked the other day when everything wasn't going to shit gets two slices cut off, and then peanut butter on one, apple jelly on the other. "The police are unlikely to show up for the next day or two here because they're trying to get me evicted instead, and if they show up then they get caught on camera by all those reporter assholes ignoring the reporters sneaking into the building." Dig around in the fridge, come up with a yogurt that was going to be her breakfast tomorrow. Toss it all on a plate. "So you are... about as safe as you can be under the circumstances. For the moment, at least." She puts the plate down on the counter with a spoon beside it, and jabs a finger at the stool opposite her. "Eat." She wants a smoke, she wants a smoke, dear god she wants a smoke. Can't smoke in the appartment, can't smoke on the roof because [i]some dipshit[/i] was running a drone out there looking for her, her little greenhouse had working smoke alarms so not there. No good options. Plus he's gonna need a sedative soon, she'd wager, which means he's going to need to calm down enough for an injection or a pill, and... oh right. "I'll help. In case that wasn't clear."