Junebug came too all at once. Her body uncoiled like a spring driving a fist upwards towards where her subconscious told her she would find a target. Woven canvas straps snapped tight around her wrists and ankles. Bright light stung her eyes and her stomach turned as the drug in her system burned off on the tide of adrenaline. A shadow crossed the light for a moment and then it was pulled away. "Her vitals are spiking well beyond norms," a worried voice commented. "Stop your stalling, she is simply another heretic who is called to serve in renewing our faith," a stern voice responded. Sayeed blinked her eyes into focus. A middle aged man and a younger woman stood above her in scrubs. A third man in vestments, partially discarded after the ceremony stood in a corner, fingering a shock baton. "She is not, there is something wrong with her, her hormones are out of whack, her neurotransmitters are way off the charts..." "Is she a Xeno? If she cant carry children..." "No she is human its just... not normal she isn't responding to the induction process." "Induction process..." Sayeeda murmured. "She is awake," the woman said accusingly. The baton wielder took a step towards her menacingly. "Will everyone settle down," the older male snapped, "we woke her on purpose." Sayeeda's vision cleared, she was strapped to a surgical table in a white walled medical bay of some sort. The contrast of a modern medbay with the cathedral trappings outside was jarring. Monitors on the wall blinked with unintelligible medical information including several scans. "We have some questions for you young lady," the older man said with counterfeit kindness. "Go fuck yourself," Sayeeda snarled pulling at her restraints. The acolyte stepped closer and raised his baton. The older man lifted a hand in bar. "If we don't know what is wrong with you, the procedure may kill you." "Nothing is wrong with me," Sayeeda said after a moment. "We have dosed you with nearly twice the normal load of skirtamanol and we haven't shown any of the normal responses," the old man said. "Yeah well I don't know fuck about that, I do know..." she paused and worked her tongue, "that im being held hostage in the basement of an old colony ship by a bunch of religious crazies and it'd be super great if a big pissed of Hex stomped in here and started snapping spines." "Silence heretic, you think God hears the prayers of your kind?!" the acolyte sneered. Something beeped on the wall and the young woman turned with an alarmed look. "Something..." the technician murmured. "Do you think God hears filth like you?! Your only worth is that you can be used like a breeding sow to produce children who will serve the One God!" The acolyte roared. "I don't know about that..." Sayeeda grinned. "She sent a radio transmission!" The tech exclaimed, "it scattered the scans!" "I have a mastoid implant," Sayeeda admitted, grinning up at the alarmed trio. "I also have a military grade IUD implant that's guaranteed effective for twenty years by Kadian biotech on Celandine. Probably more than you hicks can handle in this crappy med bay." "Put her under, now!" the old man snapped, making a gesture to the tech with a bony hand. "And I have one more thing, an unfortunate amount of experience with Terran's." She ripped her right hand free of its restraints, the canvas parting like a gun shot as her arm muscles bulged and responded well beyond human norms. She felt her tendons strain and rip at the bones, promising painful repercussions later. But if she was alive later she would be luckier than she had any right to be. Her hand lashed out and ripped the stun baton from the acolytes' shocked hand. She tumbed it live and jabbed it into his gut, sending him flying into a bank of monitors with a crash and a shower of sparks. Without breaking the ark she slashed it across the face of the tech. The powerful electrical current snapped the woman’s jaws shut so hard that Junebug heard her teeth crack as the blast sent her crashing to the floor, the fine hair around her face burning. The old man made the best choice, lunging towards the medical controls rather than trying to get out of the way. Unfortunately his years slowed him for the extra half second it took for Junebug to drive the point of the baton into his neck. The muscles spasmed and he dropped with a crack of breaking vertebrae as his neck muscles wrenched in opposite directions. Junebug sagged back against the bed, still held by three point restraints and weak from the physical effort and the surge of adrenaline. “Well, I suppose that is problem number one…”