[center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un2d8qXXcKo&ab_channel=DarkInquisitor[/youtube] [hr][hr][h1]Scum & Villainy[/h1][hr][hr][/center] This RP will be taking place on the world of [b]Kordial Secundus[/b], an Imperial Hive World of some 70 Billion people, and more specifically within [b]Hive Proxima[/b], second largest hive on the planet with some 12 billion people living within its cramped walls. Taking insperations from [url=https://www.focus-entmt.com/en-us/games/necromunda-hired-gun]Necromunda: Hired Gun[/url] and [url=https://www.focus-entmt.com/en-us/games/necromunda-underhive-wars#:~:text=The%20Underhive%20is%20a%20near,for%20weapons%2C%20resources%2C%20food.]Necromunda: Underhive Wars[/url], the plot of the RP is fairly straight forward, you will be playing as the gangers, mercenaries, outlaws and other ne'er-do-wells living in the Underhive who have been compelled to work together by an external force in order to apply your ruthless skills and criminal trades for the promise of money. Although the lore of 40k is vast and expansive, its [b]NOT REQUIRED[/b] to know a lot about it. In fact, it might be more [i]in character[/i] for you to not know the finer points and details about the universe as Hive Cities aren't exactly known for stellar education and worldlyness, the Underhive even less so. Anything that your character will be required to know will be told to you. If you want a quick summary of what a Hive World/City is, they are giant mountains of metal, industry, pollution, overcrowding and human misery. If you want a 2 hour audio book-like description of the lore, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkJpFvJQp4M&ab_channel=Luetin09]I'd recommend this video[/url]. If you want an idea of what the aesthetics of this RP will be, think neo-medieval gothic cyberpunk. Augmentations and bionics go side by side with guilds taking the role of megacorps and the gang violence, dystopian city and transhumanism kicked up to 11. [hider=Information to Know] [b]The Imperium of Man[/b] - The largest, star-spanning empire ever created in the history of humanity, ruling over billions of worlds and untold quadrillions of souls. It however is the darkest dystopia every brought to fruition in ways beyond description, just know that what most people would consider "middle class" today, the Imperium would consider "luxuriously wealthy", especially on Hive Worlds. It stands besieged on all sides, from within and without, but has managed to stay standing for the past 10,000 years by momentum and monstrous (or "noble" depending on who you ask) sacrifice of untold trillions. [b]The Cult of the Emperor[/b] - The state religion of the Imperium who worships the Emperor as the Divine Master of Mankind which preaches that traitors, heretics and subverters could be anywhere and that the Emperor demands the ultimate submission and sacrifice of all his worshipers, enforced by fanatical priests. Think of the Catholic Church but in space but they decided that Jesus's message of peace and love was stupid and thought that "all heretics must die" was a better belief. Phrases like "For the Emperor!" and "The Emperor Protects!" are common from the faithful. On Kordial, there are no major noticeable local difference from the astral orthodoxy. [b]Hive Worlds/Cities[/b] - Hives are huge man made mountains where billions of people are forced to live in conditions that would make modern poverty look comfortable. They are cities built on top of other cities, each level going down is more polluted and dangerous than the last, with hundreds or even thousands of individual levels. The highest peaks of the Hive can often reach into a planet's stratosphere and is called the Hive Spires, where the ultra rich and nobility lives in comfort, luxury, hedonism and politicking so brutal and intense it makes Game of Thrones look like a children's show about peace and cooperation. Most food in the Hive is recycled nutrient gruel, nutrient paste smashed from whatever foodstuffs gets imported from off-world and the ever presence corpse starch which is basically soylent green but everyone knows what its made of and just accepts it. [b]Adeptus Arbites[/b] - Judge Dredd. No really, they're literally all Judge Dredds who are responsible for carrying out the law and are a specialized division of the Imperial government (the Adeptus Terra). In reality, full proper Arbites are rare and you might only ever get a handful or less on even a Hive World. Most active, day to day policing and riot suppression is done by local law enforcement working under the Arbites. But think of them less of a police force and more of an actual military force (they make US law enforcement look underequipped by comparison); every so often they will attempt an incursion into the Underhive to try and root out the worst heretic cults and gang leaders. This is less of a SWAT raid and more of a full on military invasion to rival Operation Desert Storm or Stalingrad if they were a magnitude of order bigger. [b]The Underhive[/b] - The depths of the Hive that make the stuff above look pleasant to live in. It is full of the absolute poorest wretches and filled with abandoned manufactorums, hab-blocks, arcologies, cathedrals and other super sized buildings. This is where the light of the Emperor (and the influence of the law) is at its weakest and thus filled with hyper violent gangs, dangerous heretical cults, degenerate mutants, long forgotten monsters and other miscreants trying to hide away from the rest of society. The lower levels are so full of trash and pollution that they're practically unlivable despite potentially containing lost, ancient treasures the further down you go. Incidentally its where most if not all of this RP will be taking place in. [/hider] Before nerds start yelling at me, this isn't supposed to be detailed or even complete. Its just supposed to be enough for a brief overview of what's happening. (Also have ideas on how to turn this into an NRP but that's for a later date.)