[h2][color=salmon]Akilah Darwish[/color][/h2] [hr] [b][color=salmon]“Well, I appreciate an honest man.”[/color][/b] She chuckled. Spending the rest of the day out on the town with Rayth did sound like a good time and Akilah could use the opportunity to stretch her legs. Some of the deckhands on The Peregrine had offered her some sightseeing suggestions as they were approaching the harbor, but she’d rather see what the mercenary considered worth while. Downing what remained in her tankard, she set the mug down with a satisfied [i]thunk[/i] atop their wooden round table before accepting his offer. [b][color=salmon]“Let us go on our date then! Who knows when we’ll get another opportunity.”[/color][/b] Akilah said and wiped her lips with her napkin before rising and hailing over a serving girl to take their empty plates. Reclaiming her staff that was left to rest against the wall to her right, the mage turned to her companion. [b][color=salmon]“While I am impressed you managed to wrangle our breakfast without charge, I highly doubt Minka would be so generous as to include lunch so I’ll take care of that and meet with you outside?”[/color][/b] Akilah finished without waiting for his reply and made her way to the bar, the staff’s chimes muffled by the gentle roar of the lunch crowd. She wanted to square off her tab in it’s entirety with the innkeeper before she left early the next morning. Boats leave with the tides, not the winds.