[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220120/7abdfa9500473b15d206d2f3f6f55307.png[/img][/CENTER] [hr][hr] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=#1aa3ff][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Laughing Worg Tavern -- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] Missing Wayfarers? She swore she had heard rumors about that, the boys had been uneasy and insisting on traveling in groups as of late due to said rumors. As the woman, [color=#1aa3ff][i]Seele?[/i][/color] brought up a possible investigation, Artemis turned her attention towards the subject. After all, she didn't feel that she had much input on the argument between Graves and Rael... she was [i]still[/i] an outsider to this group. Missing wayfarers, however, she could definitely try to help with that. The idea of others out there losing friends as she had, but not even [i]knowing[/i] what actually happened to them... sounded even worse than her own situation. With a small sigh, she tried to find the strength to join in on the conversation. To find a way to contribute, but her attention was quickly stolen by Siegfried as he mentioned helping her with anything she needed. A blush quickly formed on Artemis' features as she shook her head towards Siegfried. [color=#1aa3ff]"A-ah, there's no need to help me with anything, really. I'd prefer to earn any assistance I get, be it with the investigation or clearing dungeons."[/color] She said softly, trying to ward off any potential for charity. Regardless of what she'd been through, the others would've wanted to earn their keep; so she would be doing the same. [color=#1aa3ff]"I'm not certain Griefers are behind the disappearances, I've not heard much about the rumors but... I doubt griefers would be able to avoid leaving this little evidence behind. There would've been something by now, surely?"[/color] The girl, asked, before shaking her head as if to dismiss her own thoughts. Seele had said she knew more about the whole situation, so trying to make any guesses now would be rather dumb. [color=#1aa3ff]"A-ah, sorry. You said there was more about the disappearances?"[/color] Artemis asked Seele, seeming to jump on this particular thread rather eagerly. She didn't like to leave her mind idle, thoughts about the guild would frequent those idle thoughts once more. So focusing on anything, even a problem as heavy as disappearances, would be a notable improvement. Artemis hoped they wouldn't have too much of an issue with her trying to be involved. Maybe things could get just a bit better... Though immediately after, she cast a look over towards Kazuki as Graves pointed out how much a lightweight the guy happened to be. She had noticed his look of disdain but wasn't certain what he had said after. [color=#1aa3ff]"He does seem... a bit drunk, doesn't he?[/color] Artemis asked, looking over Kazuki with a bit of concern on her features. [/indent][/indent][/indent]