As Teddiursa returned to his side Regis took the small berry into his hand that was offered to him by Solace, and twirled it around in his palm. He looked at it, and found it was a gift for him, and his pokemon? Well despite her looks at a distance he still saw somethings had not changed in Kairi. Hopefully she still had her spirit in her but if she wanted to talk she knew she could come over so maybe it was best to leave her be for now. Regis rubs Solace on his heads and tells him he did good before stuffing the berry in his mouth and eating it promptly. It was dry but sweet but he had grown use to berries having a variety of flavors sometimes pokemon would simply enjoy it if they had company to eat with. [color=00aeef]"Good job, return."[/color] he said as he returned his pokemon to its luxury ball and places it in his pocket. Getting back to Matt he looked back at him as he had before hand with his sure expression on his face. He shrugged as he mentioned the complications of the contest. He had been there, and while bigger ones had a number of cameras, and photo opportunism it all came down to the facts that someone had to start somewhere. His mom had said so to take the first step you didn't need to worry about how big it was just that you made it even if you stumbled. [color=00aeef]"If you say so Matt. But mom makes living out of helping newer people find their way. Sometimes it just takes someone with more experience to give you an idea of how to start. Dad said that the hardest part to raising pokemon was to accept the fact that with each one is to start all over like you hadn't seen one before. You learn of course how to handle stuff but each one is different."[/color] Regis says smoothly as he tries his best to get through to Matt. He wasn't sure if it was because he was just nervous, or because he didn't think he was ready but confidence was key to pokemon, and to life. [color=00aeef]"Its not about the fame, or the people there. Its about learning, or figuring out if that's something you want or not. As a person always take the shot because even if you miss you might hit something. But if that's the way you want go for it. Chase it. Look for places you want to go while we're in Kalos. I heard Sinnoh has a lot of cool places."[/color] When Matt saw what he had done with Kairi, and his off handed insult towards Andre he simply sighed, [color=00aeef]"I said that out loud? Sorry I'm used to being alone."[/color] Regis said as he winced a bit. He didn't mean to sound condescending. But...he just said what came out naturally. [color=00aeef]"But I'm told that a real friend takes care of his closest ones and not towards the crowd."[/color] [@King Cosmos]