[@Ariamis] Aright here is my pitch if you will; I want to play an Imp (Monster Boy) which in itself is like IMP?!? MONSTER BOY?!? I know I'm practically crazy but hear me out. Imps are pretty much the bottom bitches of the fiendish monster girls and if anything else monster boys are a lower caste in itself. I just like the idea of a feisty wee fiendish boio wanting to become more than the bottom tier of the bottom tier. Just a general idea without much to go off, so anyways what are your thoughts? Any suggestions or advice? EDIT: Just an FYI I'm relatively new to both Magical Girl and CYOA stuff so if I'm going at this in the wrong way please don't rip me a new one and be a wee bit patient. Also damn Imgur, I can't get the CYOA table to show up on the screen it keeps showing up as a grey blank page. Feedback/help would be extremely welcome, especially if someone can help me get like a google drive version of the Character Creation thing.