[h2][center]Geralt of Rivia[/center][/h2] [center]Carcass Isle- Where All Things Must Come[/center] [center]Lvl 8 (86/80) -> Lvl 9 (10/90) [/center] [center]Word Count: 712 words[/center] [center][hider=New Strength- Unrelenting Stamina] Owing to his Mutations and training as a Witcher, Geralt's stamina regenerates at a markedly increased rate. Signs can be cast more often, and summons can be called upon more frequently without over-taxing Geralt. [/hider][/center] Bowser's attack on the Guardian went off without a hitch, or so it seemed for a brief moment. The six Koopa Kings unleashed havoc upon the Orphan of Kos, tearing and pounding at it with their hands, feet, and claws as much as they could, with no regard for their own safety. The addition of other targets at least made this plan somewhat sensible, even if Bowser's seeming lack of regard for his safety was a key part of it. Against lesser opponents, it might have even been enough. The Guardian, however, was no mere lackey, no plucky young hero who couldn't take as much as they could dish out. This was a creature chosen by the closest thing this place had to a god, and bestowed a fragment of its power. And it showed that power by unleashing its own havoc, forcing the Bowsers off of it with a massive explosion, sending the remaining, real Koopa King flying through the air and crashing to the ground, consciousness already escaping him. Geralt didn't watch as the cats carted him away, or as Junior impotently reached out to take his father's hand. No, Geralt was already moving, both hands clenched tightly around his blade, before a small voice inside his head told him to loosen his grip a bit, not to give into the anger coursing through his blood, buoyed a bit by the Spirit of the Harbor Demon. He was only halted by the Orphan's eldritch, reality-bending [i]bellow[/i], calling a bolt of lighting down onto its mother's corpse, which sent out waves of lightning across the beach, which were then struck repeatedly by other bolts of lightning. Following Nadia's example, Geralt jumped over one of the waves, only to half-stumble when a bolt of lightning struck a nearby wave, forcing him to stow his blade and focus on dodging, risking the Orphan's wrath should he be caught unarmed. While the newly-grown Guardian chased after Nadia, Geralt started making his way towards the rocks where Junior and the others were pulling Peach up. As Nadia convulsed, Geralt ran for safety, perhaps overly confident in her ability to protect herself. Delsin, however, was evidently not, for he used his powers to absorb the electricity, and took the fight to the Orphan of Kos. Geralt turned to call out, to try and get the idiot to consider his own safety, but the explosion of the placental mine and dodging a pillar forced his attention away from Delsin. And then he was gone. Naught but Spirit and Ash. A jolt of electricity burst through Geralt's leg, injuring him and forcing him to pause as his muscles locked for a moment. Golden, catlike eyes narrowed. The sound of a blade being drawn drowned out everything else for a moment. Geralt [i]moved[/i], heart pumping, feet pounding against sand, body pivoting like the most flexible whores he'd seen on the streets of Novigrad, flowing between pillars of lightning to strike at the Orphan of Kos. Silver flashed, driven by righteous fury and the pain of watching somebody good die before his eyes. The same pain he'd felt a thousand times before, the same fury that he felt staring down Whoreson Junior. As he stepped back from his first slice to dodge the imminent follow-up, Geralt's hand raised and made the Sign of Igni, a plume of fire bursting forth and scorching the Orphan. Geralt fought like a man possessed, silver carving through flesh and crashing against whatever substance made the blade of this monster's weapon. Quen shattered as Geralt forced aside a counterblow, and though he spun with the momentum and regained his footing, he was forced to clumsily dodge a wave of lightning as the Orphan bore down on him, forcing Geralt to abandon his frenzied attack in order to keep his head. Almost as an afterthought, he summoned the Judicator nearby and mentally ordered it to keep him and his allies alive with its sickening flagellation. He was pulling out all the stops for this one. If the Striker went down like Fizz did (Though thankfully this one was more sturdy), he still had some doses of Swallow. He just hoped this was enough for Kamek to do whatever it was (s)he(?) needed to do.