[quote=@Dead Cruiser] [@Lewascan2] OK, I like the sheet. I just feel that she's a little too strong for the very start. [i]Being[/i] a small universe is something I may have expected further down the road. I won't ask that you change anything for now. Would you accept a temporary nerf slapped on her for the start of the RP? [/quote] Sure. I wasn't certain where the line exactly was, but you seemed to want "anime character in the final fight of the last episode with the OP playing behind them" (with Simon from Gurren Lagann as the example in the post with said quote), so I aimed a bit high. What sort of nerf? The "being a universe" bit? I will say that her being effectively a very [i]very small[/i] universe was the idea (literally human-sized at the start), one that is slowly growing in power (and bigger on the inside), as her new state of being grows into its own, sort of like how Superman had to grow into his powers after absorbing years of sunlight. But that's slightly digressing. Assuming we leave everything mostly as-is, an initial nerf would work. Perhaps gradually loosening power-constraints? Basically, most of her mana generation is tied up with maintaining and stabilizing her new exotic body while expanding its energy production, so she's a bit limited in when and where she should be expending her mana. Going anywhere near lightspeed for any significant period right now is something that's too energy intensive, and time travel is both mana-expensive and also extremely dangerous (or so she believes), since her body is rather experimental and its limits unknown should she put it up against more time shenanigans. [hider=Nerf possibility?] If we go this way, I could use a sort of escalating progression system to keep track of how her limits raise IC, perhaps something like her maximum "safe speed" (the speed she can maintain continuously without surpassing her mana regen rate much -if any-) starting at speed of sound and then increasing daily (or at some other time period) at an escalating rate. This is not to say that she can't go faster in emergencies, but her mana regen won't be able to keep up, and she'd be severely limited. Doubling rate system(?): 767 mph + 2 mph, 4 mph, 8 mph, 16 mph, 32 mph, 64 mph, 128 mph, 256 mph, 512 mph, 1,024 mph, 2,048 mph, (Day 11 total: 4,861 mph/Mach 6-ish -slightly faster than supersonic), 4,096 mph, 8,192 mph, 16,384 mph, 32,768 mph, 65,536 mph, 131,072 mph, (Day 17 total: 262,909 mph -just barely 8k short of lightning strike speed), 262,144 mph, 524,288 mph, 1,048,576 mph, 2,097,152 mph, 4,194,304 mph, 8,388,608 mph, 16,777,216 mph, 33,554,432 mph, 67,108,864 mph, 134,217,728 mph, (Day 27 total: 268,436,221 mph -slightly faster than return stroke of lightning, the speed most people think of, being 1/3rd of lightspeed), 268,435,456 mph, 536,870,912 mph, (Day 29 total: 1,073,742,589 mph -1.6 times lightspeed), 1,073,741,824 mph, (Day 30 total: 2,147,484,413 mph -3.2 times the speed of light and casual time travel capable) With this system, she once more reaches her prime and then surpasses in about a month. It's a bit of a slow start (heh), but the ramp-up later down the line is as appropriately powerful as one would expect from the characters in this story. Of course, this assumes this isn't too quick an improvement rate. I don't know what the IC timeline length will look like. [/hider] As a major point of note and sort of self-imposed nerf: I do want to say that despite time travel being the keystone of her ascension, it was always the plan to make all the IC justifications I can to ensure she doesn't use it except as the most absolute of last resorts. After all, only reason she ever tried it to begin with was when the alternative was her planet's genocide, and her method to stave off a paradox still cost her literally everything but her mind and soul. It's an extremely powerful tool... and an often double-edged sword, and I intend to treat it as such. And also, from an OOC story-telling perspective, I know very well how careful one must be with its utilization in order to not kill all sense of tension, so I've been planning on how to nerf it myself (a large part being Jen's inexperience with it), especially given that I'm sure its regular use would be quite annoying to both the GM and my fellow players.