[img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/de0a84c5-7b66-4a80-9e36-eb0840288b7d/ddsqhld-9238c0b2-054e-4863-b161-13361422a8bc.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2RlMGE4NGM1LTdiNjYtNGE4MC05ZTM2LWViMDg0MDI4OGI3ZFwvZGRzcWhsZC05MjM4YzBiMi0wNTRlLTQ4NjMtYjE2MS0xMzM2MTQyMmE4YmMuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.2mw-iXk_Zrk2pLX59E6QjdulFuoUzu8q0TW0BG0VMuY[/img] [u]Name:[/u] Nyla Rose [u]Nicknames/Aliases:[/u] Wraith [u]Home Location:[/u] Osaka, Japan [u]Age:[/u] 17 [u]Grade:[/u] 12th [u]Year of Attendance:[/u] 3rd [u]Gender Identity:[/u] Female [u]Race:[/u] Halfa (Half Human, Half Ghost) [u]Natural/Racial Abilities:[/u] As a Halfa, Nyla can become a ghost wheneverver she pleases and can easily pass through walls and solids, she can even possess items to hide or to spook people. Nyla also weilds basic telekinesis allowing her to open doors, throw objects, pop lightbulbs ect. with her mind. Finally she can go invisible for short periods of time. As Halfa, Nyla has a natural connection to the void but will not fully be able to seek out her full void abilities without proper guidence. [u]Height:[/u] 5'4" [u]Hair Color:[/u] Half and Half. Right half is white and left half is black [u]Eye Color:[/u] Right eye is a Golden Ember, Left Eye is pitch black like the void. [u]Distinguishing Features:[/u] Other than her abnormal appearence, she bares a long scar across the front of her right thigh. [u]Personality:[/u] Nyla is quite mischievous, she loves pulling pranks and scaring people for fun, she's also quite the flirt and has no gender preference when it comes to dating others. She also has a guilty conscious that often speaks to her and can take her over, be it usually in times of conflict in this form, she refers to herself or "themselves" as Wraith takes her place mentally. Wraith is highly unpredictable and dangeruous and quick to anger. They use plural nows to describe themselves as Warith is made up of numerous tormented souls fueled by fear, anguish, pain and hate. Throughout her existence, she has learned to live with Wraith, satisfying them with her delinquency. [u]Aspirations:[/u] To fully be able to access her own abilities and gain control over Wraith, who are living within her. To excell in occult studies and spellcraft, and finally to acheive her personal goal of finding "tranquility within the darkness." She aslo has been fascinated with mental health and has dreams to become the first Halfa psychiatrist or consulor. [u]Fears:[/u] -Wraith one day taking full control -Excorsisms -Holy buildings and grounds [u]Strengths:[/u] Her human half already possess high agility, flexibility, and moderate streangth as her ghost half weilds it's natural abilities. When she goes Wraith she becomes a physical representation of the void itself amd can vent void energy into the darkness this giving her the power toanifets and twist the darkness into whatever illusion she wants to create. This form is much different than her alightly transparent ghost form, Wraith instead is a dark silhouette, darker than any shadow could ever be. Though this form and her ghost form shares every aspect, this form feeds of fear, pain, agony, anger and any other negative or sinful emotions. Again the only physical damage Nyla can do in her other forms is purely telekinetic. Any other damage is mental. [u]Weaknesses/Flaws:[/u] -Holy magic -Light can cancel her illusinal dimension, for it can only be created in complete darkness. -Her power is limited to what energy she can get from the void or the darkness surrounding her. Each time she uses an ability, it feeds off the surounsing darkness she is using for illusions. -The presence of light can ultimately affect how much magical energy she has. A small room with no light is more of a pool than a big room with dim light and alot of shadow for therea is light and a limit to how much darkness is around, how much darkness she can use. -Fire too is a weakness, she can easily avoid a burn but the light created by fire can but a hamper on her energy pool [u]Magic Type:[/u] Personal/Void [u]Magical Focus:[/u] With her natural void abilities she can trap others in an illusional dimension an on earth void in which she can access further abilities. This is where she can also access her adversary's pysche, allowing her to know their worst fears and past trumatic events. With this she can either shapeshift and use void energy to create scenerios, meant to break a person down mentally. However she hasnt fully understood her abilities and she hopes that the achool will help her and provide her with enough knowledge to be able to weild her power the way she wants and get passed the Warith's corruption. Aside from being able to feed off of fear and other emotions, she can access someone's psyche in order to help them find the answers or advice they need [u]History:[/u] Nyla was born into an Occult family, living in Osaka Japan with two other sisters. Being the middle child, Nyla was chose as a conduit for Wraith to exist in. Wraith was and evil and mischievous spiritual being bent on creating havoc in earth. In return her family would be bleased with good health and home until the next generation of her family line comes. As she aged, Nyla chose to study the occult and parnormal entities to try and understand and learn how to coexist with Wraith and how to control the abilities she now weilds. As for Wraith, they were not only evil spiritual beings, they are collection of primordial souls whom died in vain without ever acheiving their goals. Though her family followed the entity's prophetical ways, they sought to give her an opportunity to break away from the cult and live freely in hopes that she could control Wraith and not have Wraith overcome her. She finally got enrolled into Anepool's Academy for the Gifted at fourteen and has attended the school for three years since. At first her enrollment was turned away due to the being she's burdened with, she had to undergo several psyche evaluations and have a signature feom every Doctor she was instructed to visit to deem it was safe for her to be around others. As she carried out her years at the Academy, she learned alot of self control pertaining to Wraith. She became one of the most mischievous people at the school pranks or hijinks that conspired was usually caused by her as she has discovered Wraith enjoys a good laugh at another person's expense. [u]Anything else?[/u] N/A