[quote=@Meta] *Solemnly hands over the book* [/quote] [quote=@Zealz] There are people in that ball? [/quote] *I place the items before me* Yes... I think I can piece things together... Laila was in love with Michael, Michael was an adventurer. But for some reason they got separated and thought they'd never see each other again. So Michael pondered for a long time and allowed himself to love. But Laila met them again, putting Michael in a tough spot. Laila was jealous at first, but couldn't bear to see Michael in pain and so let her own love go. She allowed Michael and Eve's love to flourish over her own. *The items begin to glow* Laila: "... Yes. And when a neighboring country came to wage war upon us, we fought back and lost. I did what I could to save as many people I could... But I knew that even if we survived we would be trapped. You... All of you... Have freed them." *The sphere begins to slowly dissipate and I cast a large scale healing spell filling the room with blue and green light*