[@Dragoknighte][@rivaan][@Remipa Awesome][@Lewascan2][@Sigil] Thank you all, and congratulations for getting our first battle of the game out of the way without too much in the way of hitches. The issue with Reactions hasn't been fully addressed, but I can more forward a little more confident now that when the issue becomes problematic, we can discuss objectively and handle it. Let's get a couple of things out of the way first: 1) We are back into Narrative posting as of now. Regular rules apply. 2) The timer is being reset for everyone. Your seven days start NOW. I would request that you please do not ride the clock and handle this last minute. If you do, this means I have to as well. If I have to, it's less fun for everyone. Now, heading off a couple questions which may arise - Arrows spent will go by basic rules on the subject. Half are lost. However, as there were other archers on the scene, restocking shouldn't be an issue. Ongoing spells are toast, so that Bless is gone. If I remember correctly, Bardic Inspiration was used up by Kathryn and Marita. If I'm wrong, hit me up in the Discord and we'll talk rolls before it wears off. Aaaaaand ...ACTION!