[INDENT][sub][sup][h3][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][b]C H A R A C T E R S U B M I S S I O N S:[/b][/COLOR][/h3][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][INDENT]For a character submission, I'm not going to be providing a skeleton and instead leaving the formatting of your application open to you the player. This way, you can use your skeleton as a way to tell us about your character even further. Basically, what I'm looking for is a character concept, obviously, we need the basics like name and species, but more importantly, I want a brief synopsis of who this character is, why you want to play them, what they will bring to the team and any goals you have for them.[/INDENT] [COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][B][SUB] N A M E:[/SUB][/B][/COLOR] [color=gainsboro][sup][sub]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sub][/sup][/color][INDENT]Names in the world of Redwall are fairly straightforward and often under the pen of Brian Jacques, were generally meaningful to the character. Some species, such as the Otters and Hares, often carry family surnames, while Badgers more often have titles, especially Badger Lords. Squirrels, Mice and Moles all have more traditionally given and surname structures.[/INDENT] [COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][B][SUB] S P E C I E S:[/SUB][/B][/COLOR] [color=gainsboro][sup][sub]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sub][/sup][/color][INDENT]The below species are the only ones that will be considered for a primary character in this RP. NPCs and supporting cast may be added later as the story is fleshed out and these will be able to draw upon the wider world of Redwall including vermin and birds. In order to keep the cast balanced, sheets will not be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis and instead evaluated for compatibility with the overall story and other accepted characters. Certain races, such as Badgers, Hares and Otters, there will be limited quantities available to players as these races are larger and stronger than the others and often aren't numerous at Redwall due to belonging to tribes or in the case of Badgers, ruling Salamandastron. [table=bordered][row][img]https://i.imgur.com/EpyL8vf.png[/img][/row][row][cell][CENTER][COLOR=2C2C2C]- - - - - -[/COLOR][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/Nosj4Fo.png[/IMG][hr][sup][sup][h3][COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][B]B A D G E R S[/B][/COLOR][/h3][/sup][/sup][/CENTER][/cell][cell]Standing well over a head taller than both their loyal Hares and the friendly Otters, Badgers are among the largest beasts to reside in Mossflower. Often few in number, badgers are greatly territorially, and it is uncommon to find more than one in the same place unless they have a family. Compared to other beasts, their lifespans are notably longer, matching their towering size as Badgers are the only beast to measure their own age in years instead of seasons. In addition to their size, Badgers are tremendously strong, often wielding weapons and armour that other beasts would find difficult to lift, let alone use. They are master smiths, with a Badger Lord having been responsible for forging the legendary Sword of Martin the Warrior. However, more so than any other beast, Badgers have been plagued with suffering from the ‘Bloodwrath’, a terrible and dangerous infliction that drives the afflicted into a berserker-like while at the height of battle. When a Badger’s eyes turn red, it is best to stay out of their way as nothing can stand in the way of a badger suffering from Bloodwrath. Imbued with a tremendous sense of honour and duty, Badgers have long been respected by other fair beasts and often have ruled over Mossflower Woods from their former ancestral home of Brocktree. A familiar sound to all badgers is the call of the mountain fortress Salamandastron, standing watch against raiders on the western shores. It is said that there must always be a Badger Lord in Salamandastron and for many seasons there always has been. Those that find themselves called to the position serve with wisdom and dignity. But beyond warriors, Badgers often tend to be scholars or guardians of peaceful beasts, readily accepting a protector role. As an example, Redwall Abbey is scarcely found without a Badger Mother tending to its mischievous dibbuns. As a general rule, all badgers strive to uphold a personal code of honour, but there are those that are willing to do anything to protect their companions.[/cell][/row][row][cell][CENTER][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/xdosOch.png[/IMG][hr][sup][sup][h3][COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][B]H A R E S[/B][/COLOR][/h3][/sup][/sup][/CENTER][/cell][cell]Hares are tall and lanky creatures, with flopping ears and scut tails. Their fur can be either brown or white, with dark, glinting eyes. Their infamous appetites typically have no mark on their frames, as they remain thin, spare, and sometimes even scrawny. Hares are jovial and jocular creatures, using their lighthearted attitudes to hide a disciplined, tough, and sometimes bloodthirsty fighting beast inside. They live life to the fullest, usually by eating vast amounts of food. It is said that to invite a hare to dinner is to invite a living famine! Many hares have ties to the famed and decorated Long Patrol, the fighting force that defends Salamandastron. Even the hare family that lives more than a month's travel away will show the influence of the military lifestyle, be it in speech or attitude. Hares also hate to be called rabbits, as their unfortunate foes are quick to discover. [/cell][/row][row][cell][CENTER][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/5xgXSQS.png[/IMG][hr][sup][sup][h3][COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][B]H E D G E H O G S[/B][/COLOR][/h3][/sup][/sup][/CENTER][/cell][cell]Hedgehogs are shorter and stockier with a coat of spikes on their back, serving as both armour and a weapon when they curl defensively. They are usually either a toasty or dark brown, with long snouts and solid builds. Hedgehogs are not usually warriors, preferring peaceful life, usually involving brewing their own drinks, to fighting. However, when the need arises, they can be competent fighters and stalwart companions. They share a love of life, food, and drink.[/cell][/row][row][cell][CENTER][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/tib98Oo.png[/IMG][hr][sup][sup][h3][COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][B]M I C E[/B][/COLOR][/h3][/sup][/sup][/CENTER][/cell][cell]Mice are the most common inhabitant in Mossflower Woods and have occupied the area since time immemorial. Mice are of average height and build, with fur colours ranging from tawny to dark brown. Their tails aren't as long as those of rats and are a soft pink colour. Their eyes are usually brown. Mice are a widespread and determined race in Mossflower, filling whatever need needs filling. Many warrior mice take on direct battle or leadership roles, while others prefer to remain stealthy and work quietly to sabotage the foebeast. Mice are typically upright, honourable beasts, eager to help those in need.[/cell][/row][row][cell][CENTER][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/HBYYfGa.png[/IMG][hr][sup][sup][h3][COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][B]M O L E S[/B][/COLOR][/h3][/sup][/sup][/CENTER][/cell][cell]Moles typically have black fur and always have large digging claws. Their eyes are small and bright, and their faces easily crinkle into large grins. They are shorter than most other beasts, even hedgehogs. Yes, the accent is usually required. Moles are smart, sensible, and practical, often providing a supporting role in large forces. They are at home underground, and hate heights and large bodies of water; they get seasick easily. Their judgement and reasoning make them valuable allies. They are also famously fond of the dish known as deeper'n'ever pie.[/cell][/row][row][cell][CENTER][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/ZKuMRqC.png[/IMG][hr][sup][sup][h3][COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][B]O T T E R S[/B][/COLOR][/h3][/sup][/sup][/CENTER][/cell][cell]Otters are tall and usually brawny, built for swimming. Their rudders (tails) are broad and powerful, and some have even used those as weapons. They have long, thick fur which is usually dark brown or almost black. Otters are jovial and friendly when not fighting, but dangerous opponents when roused to battle. They are a passionate race, going over both ends of the spectrum. An otter loves what he or she loves greatly, but if they swear vengeance on a foebeast, they will not stop until they are satisfied. Among the things they usually love are rough-housing, swimming, and the famously spicy shrimp 'n' hotroot soup.[/cell][/row][row][cell][CENTER][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/CxEJkyC.png[/IMG][hr][sup][sup][h3][COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][B]S H R E W S[/B][/COLOR][/h3][/sup][/sup][/CENTER][/cell][cell]Shrews are small, boisterous beasts, with spiky grey fur and bright, narrow eyes. Their voices are gruff and well made for shouting and arguing, which they're famous for. Shrews are noisy, lively, and love to "debate", but it usually just means shout at each other until a minor scuffle breaks out. Despite their belligerent tendencies, they are always willing to help beasts in need, especially if it involves fighting. In battle, they are fearless and self-sacrificing, never willing to let a comrade die, or at least die alone.[/cell][/row] [row][cell][CENTER][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/fbDzGEk.png[/IMG][hr][sup][sup][h3][COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][B]S Q U I R R E L S[/B][/COLOR][/h3][/sup][/sup][/CENTER][/cell][cell]Squirrels are thin and rangy creatures, with bushy tails and red fur. Their ears are sharply pointed, and their front teeth are slightly larger than most other creatures'. Squirrels are among the more serious beasts of Mossflower, taking their warrior traditions very seriously. Numerous families have a specific ancestral tradition, usually that of an archer. They refuse to bear witness to injustice and bring down "the wrath of the woodland" on any who would bully the weak. They are loyal companions in battle, and squirrel archers are known as being the best in the world.[/cell][/row][row][cell][CENTER][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/CMM3ZNZ.png[/IMG][hr][sup][sup][h3][COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][B]V O L E S[/B][/COLOR][/h3][/sup][/sup][/CENTER][/cell][cell]Voles are diminutive of frame and tail, preferring to keep to the shadows rather than risk their hides in an open fight. Their faces are short, as are their paws. Similar in stature and size to a mouse, a vole is most easily identified by its smaller, recessed ears and narrow eyes. Voles often tend to be more rotund in frame, though this isn't always necessarily true. Voles are not as common as mice but exhibit a similar personality type. Some families live near rivers, and many reside at Redwall Abbey. Voles tend to remain out of pitched battle, as they like their fur where it is, thank you very much. Somebeasts even call them cowards, but they haven't met a cornered vole. When not stealing what needs stealing, voles can be found enjoying a simple life at home.[/cell][/row][/table][/INDENT][COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][B][SUB] B A C K G R O U N D:[/SUB][/B][/COLOR] [color=gainsboro][sup][sub]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sub][/sup][/color][INDENT]The largest component of a character submission and arguably, the most important is the background. This should detail where your character comes from, any occupation they hold at the abbey and any relevant skills or training they might have. It should be noted that abbey dwellers primarily fall into two categories, orphans from Mossflower Woods who have been brought to the abbey to live there or those who were born and raised in the abbey. Characters who primarily dwell outside of the walls live in the surrounding areas and settlements with their families, tribes etc. Redwall Abbey is a peaceful place and as such, weapons training is not something they teach. Any prior skills with a weapon should have come from outside of the abbey walls or can be picked up in the IC.[/INDENT] [COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][B][SUB] A M B I T I O N S & G O A L S:[/SUB][/B][/COLOR] [color=gainsboro][sup][sub]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sub][/sup][/color][INDENT]The last component of the character submission that I'm looking for is why you have an ambition to play the character you've created and your goals for playing them. Are you hoping to be the next Badger Lord of Salamandastron?The Abbey Warrior? Maybe your ambitions are to be the Abbey Friar or you're looking to join the Long Patrol. All of these goals and ambitions matter because they give the GMs more material to work into the story to help keep you the player invested in developing your character.[/INDENT][/INDENT][hr][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d3/f5/11/d3f5115734b4c11b0c4b6366efe96026.jpg[/IMG][hr]