Yeah for me to go and no worries its no secret. Basically you know I work as a Nurse's aide in a nursing home, right? I have steady employment there and have been given the opportunity to work on getting a higher level degree, becoming a full nurse instead of the aide I am now. For that to happen though I have to go back to school, 2 years of studying. Normally, you'd have to pay for that yourself/get a loan with student rates or your work/boss can pay for it as an investment in you. I basically have been given the latter, an opportunity where they pay for your schooling, unless you decide it isn't for you or you fail to keep your end of the bargain by not getting that degree, if so then you have to pay them back. So I go to school for 1 day in the week, next to working my normal hours of my contract. In order to get the 'practical time in' they also roster in some time for school and study. Now the past weeks have been crazy since we(another colleague and I) had been given the go head to sign up for the school expecting to start somewhere in February...however...they started come in the day after tomorrow for your introduction and bring a letter of motivation. Here's a studyguide, a list of books you need to buy and oh the first schoolday will be the Januari 24th. Basically I went from: Oh great we are going to go back to school to....OH SHIT! I have to get this done, buy a new laptop, books aaaaargggh! Need to sign agreements and have to get all of this done for the 24th. I didn't even know who my mentor would be at work, but now that most of that is over and done with I can relax knowing I can go to school and focus on my studies. ;)