[hider=Mikael][b]Name:[/b] Mikael Goldleaf [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] None [b]Home Location:[/b] Anepool, Sphinx quarter [b]Age:[/b] 12 [b]Grade:[/b] 7th [b]Year of Attendance:[/b] First year [b]Gender Identity:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Natural/Racial Abilities:[/b] None [b]Height:[/b] 4'5 [b]Hair Color:[/b] Brown [b]Eye Color:[/b] Hazel [b]Distinguishing Features:[/b] Quite small for his age, also has a piercing stare. Otherwise not much different from other 12 year olds. [b]Appearance:[/b] Mikael is short and scrawny, with head of short brown hair that he combs back out of his face. He generally dresses cleanly and neatly, with high quality clothes, but he has no outfit coordination whatsoever and will put on whatever fits. His eyes are generally dull but they sharpen when he finds something that peaks his interest. [b]Personality:[/b] Mikael is quiet. Always looking, always thinking, rarely speaking. He's polite when he speaks, for the most part, but also speaks his mind like any child would. He's a little airheaded and usually goes with the flow but is quite stubborn on occassion. He also has a fascination with fluffy objects, regardless of whether they are cute or not. [b]Aspirations:[/b] Learn more about magic [b]Fears:[/b] Insects, crustaceans, light of touching people [b]Strengths:[/b] Flexible thinking, observant. Good at putting the dots together if he can find them. [b]Weaknesses/Flaws:[/b] Nothing special physically. His magic has a very limited range. Often unmotivated. [b]Magic Type:[/b] Nature [b]Magical Focus:[/b] Transmutation. Mikael can use magic to change the molecular structure of an object, to a point. He can change the form of an object, making it more liquid or more solid, and he can change the surface texture of an object. Turning one element into another, however, is difficult as it relies on a knowledge of chemistry he doesn't have. There are a few drawbacks to this ability, however. He has to be touching the object to change it, and the effect is temporary. His magic will fade eventually, and the object will, as best it can, return to its original state. [b]History:[/b] The Goldleaf family can trace their ancestry all the way back to the middle ages. A bloodline full of alchemists, their primary ambition was to complete something that could be called the holy grail of alchemy - a method to transform lead into gold. To cut a long story short, they failed. Whether through lack of skill, lack of knowledge, or lack of resources, they were always lacking in something. Partially due to this bad luck, the family were often labelled as liars and charlatans and they drifted through many countries over the years. Even through the many years that came and went, and all the towns and cities they inhabited, they never not forgot their wish. And with the magic boom of the 1950s they quietly worked to complete it. After untold centuries they finally completed their greatest desire; the art of transmutation. Emboldened by their success the family remerged into society, only to find that society had passed them long behind. Their history had never been particularly lucrative and their research had left them nearly penniless. Furthermore, the research they had bled themselves so much for, the art that their ancestors had waited so long to obtain, simply did not prove to be as useful as they thought it would be. As the public's opinions on meta humans began to worsen, the head of the family decided that enough was enough. It was time to leave the past in the past and focus on the future. And so, Anthony Goldleaf decided to forgo magic entirely. He married into money and used the money to start a business, mining and selling rare metals. His son expanded their operations into a small empire. At the turn of the century his grandson shifted their focus to the future. They funded many up-and-coming electronics companies and provided materials for their computers. They merged with what would later become Bioforst Comp, and even as a small part of the greater whole, their returns were staggering. Their unprecedented success gave them connections all over the world and more wealth than they had ever dreamed of having. Ever looking forward, the current head of the family began to focus on nurturing a successor. They married with a like-minded entrepeneur and produced several children. A daughter, as clever as she was beautiful, who moved people like chess pieces. A son, bright and handsome, with Charisma that could move even the most stubborn of hearts. They also produced Mikael, who they have never been sure what to do with. When compared to his siblings, Mikael was quite mediocre by all accounts. Reading, arithmetic, sports, music, looks, all avergae. Even worse, he seemed to have a fatal lack of ambition. Where his siblings did everything they could to get ahead, Mikael was simply content to let things pass him. He had one field of excellence, however, and that was magic. His father and his siblings had learnt the family's transmutation magic, of course, but it was treated as more of a formality. Mikael took to it quickly and devoured every resource he could find in the household. He was told that it wasn't particularly useful for them and that he should give it up, but he stuck with it. Whether it was useful or not was secondary to him, he was just glad to have something interesting to play with. Eventually, his family sent him to Anepool academy. He showed interest in magic so perhaps he would kindle his ambition in the magic school. A paper-thin excuse for sending him away, but a welcome one. Mikael nursed a quiet hope that, with some distance from his family, he'd find something interesting after all.[/hider]