[@Silverstein] Vampires work differently in this setting. Also, there isnt a way to give people powers through chems like Project Power. People either can use magic or they can't, and those that can use magic are either born with it or have to learn it. No one can just take a pill and get powers, let alone have any ability to control those powers if taken. [Hider=Vampire Lore]They consume Ki instead of blood - typically through biting but not always and it doesnt always draw blood - but otherwise have the same physical abilities as humans. They can go out in the sun without harm; are born like humans and cannot "make" new ones; and don't really have any weaknesses to particular objects, foods, or magics. They do have a natural affinity for magic and all learn at least some form, but there isnt a set thing they learn or cant learn. There are no half-vampires either; in order to be born a vampire, they must have 2 vampire parents. While they do have longer than human average life spans, it's not by centuries but only a few decades (so average like 100-110 years instead of 80-90 years).[/hider] If you want to try reworking him, go ahead. My PMs are open if you want to ask questions or whatever.