[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/wclOl3Nm.png[/img][/center] Name: Suzy Lawrence Age: 26 Appearance: One could recognize Suzy by her armpit-length black hair with dark brown-colored eyes and rather pale skin, complete with small nose and thin pair of lips. Her modeling manager would always request any journalist writing her profile to always add an adjective of being "doll-like", which was not wrong at all. Being a model, Suzy has her height somewhere higher than average among her kind. Of course, she needed to maintain her weight under the slim proportion and keep her fat percentage low to stay on her job. Her manager has ever suggested Suzy to make her physical "features" more "noticeable", but she has her personal decision to keep it "manageable". Occupation: Fashion Model, Social Media Influencer, Health Product & Cosmetics Endorser, Cosplay Personality Personality: Suzy considers her body to be a work of art, maintained under a discipline craftmanship. Whenever she has her chance, Suzy will always take her time to do a light exercise. Even though she understands that there are secrets which must remain hidden, her friendly demeanor was never a faked one. Even though her job may need her to lie in order to keep some professional matters remain as it is, Suzy never lies about her personal feeling to those whom she considers as friends. She frequently uses her wordplays to get out of any suspicion against her. [hider=Detailed metrics] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Five_personality_traits]Big Five[/url]: -- Openness: Inventive-Cautious Middle-ground -- Conscientiousness: Organized -- Extraversion: Outgoing-Solitary Middle-ground -- Agreeableness: Critical -- Neuroticism: Confident [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers%E2%80%93Briggs_Type_Indicator]MBTI[/url]: [url=https://www.16personalities.com/istp-personality]ISTP[/url] [/hider] Biography: Suzy Lawrence had only been famous since four years ago, early 2016 for exact. She was quite a media and internet phenomenon with her reach of followers growing exponentially in that four years period. Being rather discreet with her private information, people still quickly found her past origin: born in Singapore in 1994 and frequently moved around the Southeast Asia region during her childhood. Although Suzy professionally appeared in fashion magazines, both the modest ones and the more sensual pin-ups, people mostly knew her by her social media video posts promoting health and beauty lifestyles. Other than product endorsement, that included her exercise routines, yoga poses, and even belly dancing. She loved to flatter her lightly toned midriff so much in her videos. Her Secret: Being a model and social media personality are only her secondary job. Some people calls her using other name. Other Important Information: - A polyglot, fluent in 8 languages (Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Japanese, English, French, German, Malay). - Exceptional results in her aptitude and physical tests, can run faster than average person, also a great swimmer and gymnast. - Well-versed in Bajiquan martial art. - Got scandalized recently when a television persona made a negative remark about Suzy's indecency for her "excessive" showing of her belly button publicly in her exercise videos. She then publicly responded in a rather "cutely" manner for such comment. Importance: Major character