[color=6ecff6][center][h2][i][b]Connor[/b][/i][/h2][/center][/color] [center][color=fff200]Location: Lobby > Adjacent Restroom[/color][/center] Connor began pulling his camera out of its case. It was one he invested an inordinate amount of money in. Crisp picture, built-in flashlight, night vision mode and the entire device was surprisingly light weight and portable. As he turned it on, a small electronic hiss escaped the machine. "[color=6ecff6]She's alive,[/color]" he said, mostly to himself as the others were discussing something behind him. He then dug into the camera case and pulled out two battery packs, tossing them into his back pockets. He would surely need each of them for a full-night investigation. Especially if activity began to pickup. Otherworldly entities have been prone to, on occasion, sap the juice out of electronics in order to manifest. He wanted to be prepared in case that happened. "[color=6ecff6]Camera, check,[/color]" he whispered. "[color=6ecff6]Battery packs, check.[/color]" He them began patting himself down. "[color=6ecff6]Cell phone, check. Rosary...[/color]" He said as he pulled one out from his pocket. While he was not a practicing Catholic, he still harbored a bit of faith and the item just felt like an extra bit of protection, just in case. As he draped it around his neck, he took in a slow breath and exhaled. "[color=6ecff6]...check. Alright, ladies and gents! I think I'm rea-[/color]" As he turned around to address his fellow investigators, he found that he was left completely alone in the lobby. "[color=6ecff6]Oh, what the fuck![/color]" he cried out. "[color=6ecff6]The camera guy?! Y'all leave without one of the camera guys?[/color]" He then shook his head and huffed. "[color=6ecff6]Screw it. I'll find a phantom on my own![/color]" He then pulled out his cell phone and began typing with his thumb into the group message. [code]I see how it is. JERKS! j/k luvyabaiii~[/code] With that, he hit a button on the camera that toggled the frontside bulb, blasting a cone of bright light just ahead of him. He held the camera down at chest level, trusting his own eyes more than the display screen. As he scanned the doors, he saw a twin set with a diagram of a man on one and a woman on the other. [color=6ecff6][i]Restrooms[/i][/color], he thought to himself. [color=6ecff6][i]Don't mind if I do.[/i][/color] He hadn't relieved himself since before he crashed on the couch. With the whisky and the energy drink teaming up, it was high time for a drain. Cautiously, he opened the door and proceeded inside the Men's room. In an instant, he knew something had died in there. Or, at least, it smelled like it. "[color=6ecff6]Hooo-hoo that is rank![/color]" he stammered, his face contorted. He tried his best not to breath, letting only little shallow exhales escape. "[color=6ecff6]Quick... sweep... then... bail...[/color]" The tiled floor was splotchy with grime and other mysterious substances. The stalls were crooked, looking as if they could topple over at a moment's notice. Only one of the three even had a door still connected to it. The mirror above the sinks was cracked in the corner with smears upon it like someone took their muddy hand and just dragged it across. [color=6ecff6][i]Oh wait... maybe that's not mud.[/i][/color] The sudden realization made Connor double over and gag. After a bit of a fit, he spit out the accumulated saliva and stood up straight once more. "[color=6ecff6]Okay,[/color]" he shouted. "[color=6ecff6]Any ghost in here? I don't know why there would be. This would be the [i]last [/i]freaking place I would choose to haunt! If there is anyone in here, now is your chance! Make yourself known![/color]" He then held his breath and tried to be completely silent as he scanned the room, switching between his naked eyes and the display screen on the camera. Nothing. "[color=6ecff6]Alright, sayonara, shit hole,[/color]" he said before quickly ducking out. Once he was back in the lobby, he took in a huge breath, trying to flush out the polluted air that was now in his lungs. "[color=6ecff6]Jeebus,[/color]" he said finally. He slowly craned his head over until the sight of the Women's room enveloped his vision. He still had to pee. As he took four more quick breaths, he pinched his nose, kicked the door in and proceeded inside.