[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/myteri-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220108/72b4f2cb5a6175cf8b6624d3a9ac2621.png[/img][/url][/center] [@Izurich][@ERode] The response from Sukoro Jinga didn't necessarily shock Bunga, the man seemed wholly dedicated to his work. His response seems very utilitarian and immediately focused on the meat and potatoes of the situation. Not necessarily a person that has the best social skills (or so she believed), but a person that can get some technologist work done should you have the specifications necessary for him to work on. In short, his request for Lucy's mechanical assistant for the box with the Starsteel Formulization seemed to work out well enough, both Lucretia and Sukoro seemingly amicable with the trade offer both of them agreed upon. But once Sukoro turned towards herself. She was not at all surprised that Sukoro suggested the one Vietnamese person that is roughly from the same region as her. To be honest, the only other realms she has been on is Tawalisi, which is just Majapahit but a bit more northerly, and The Mughal Empire. She hasn't been on great journeys into Europe or the lands of Abya Yala, and she hasn't even been to countries such as Japan and Zhongguo. And so, with great reluctance, and sighing for a lil bit, Bunga nodded at Sukoro's suggestion. [color=a36209]"Yes, perhaps it is the most logical step in my journey for now. I'll keep in mind whenever I see someone in a very well dressed suit on my travels today."[/color] She responded. Before turning towards Lucretia, her interest in Starsteel Formulization now piqued. [color=a36209]"Say, Lucy. Why are you interested in Starsteel Formulization anyway? I've always been a stickler for finding out Formulas that are hard to decipher, but Starsteel Formulization, at least from what I've heard with my fellow academics, is a pretty tough nut to crack. Are you perhaps focusing your studies in breaking such defensive formulization?"[/color] [color=a36209]"Well, either way. I am more than happy to let you tag along with me to find where this Mr Kieu is currently present at. Perhaps meeting more academics might mean more opportunities to learn about various study methods, and further your general knowledge base on Technologism would it not? I wouldn't force it to you though, since my priorities right now isn't necessarily academic in nature. At least not yet."[/color] Once Lucy gets her box, Bunga will most likely set off, with or without Lucretia, to find Mr Kieu and perhaps socialize with him. She is trained in the art of Schmoozing, as is the case of growing up with merchant parents. And finding out where her countrymen are located in this artificial city would do wonders to lessen the massive culture shock she's been experiencing ever since she stepped out of that boat.