[hider=Christopher Tang] [img]https://i.imgur.com/v8MU279.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Christopher Tang[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]23[/indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]Christopher is of mixed heritage, being half-Singaporean half-French. As such he has slightly tanned skin, able to pass for Caucasian pretty easily. He has inherited his father’s black hair that goes down to his neck. From his mother he got his ice blue eyes. From neither of them he got his height. While both his parents are in the 5’5’’ to 5’7’’ range, Christopher stands at 6’1’’. He also has a slim build of someone who does light exercise.[/indent] [indent]Christopher tends to dress plain, with maybe a t-shirt and jacket. He prefers simpler colors, like black pants, a white shirt, and maybe a blue jacket. Christopher likes to dress to blend in as it helps with the authenticity of his videos.[/indent] [b]Occupation:[/b] [indent]Travel YouTuber[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Christopher is a very personable individual, making friends wherever he goes. He is just overly positive and can brighten up someone’s day with his irreverent humor and joyfulness. Sometimes his speech can be rapid stream of consciousness and hard to follow, as he rarely stays on one topic for too long. His ADHD also makes it hard for him to focus on anything for too long, which is alright for a perpetual traveler.[/indent] [indent]Christopher has problems with forming long lasting relationships, as evident by all of his failed relationships. Christopher has a bad string of girlfriends who left on bad terms. It has gotten to the point where Christopher hasn’t pursued anyone in over two years. Christopher is a little depressed over this fact, as he seems resigned to the fact that he is a bad boyfriend. [/indent] [b]Biography:[/b] [indent]Christopher was born the second child of two immigrants to America. His father was from Singapore, while his mother was French. Christopher had an average childhood, living middle class with his parents and two siblings on the east coast. The young Christopher did have some problems in school, eventually being diagnosed with ADHD. Even with help for that, Christopher would have a problem with most subjects like math and science. But he would excel in the arts and languages. Christopher would appear in many plays at his high school, as well as learning both Spanish and French. Christopher would end up graduating high school with an award in the arts.[/indent] [indent]Now no longer in school, Christopher considered going to college, but instead he wanted to take a few months to travel the world. He would start in Europe, deciding to post his travels to YouTube. He would quickly get a following and a good response to his videos. When he did return to the states, Christopher found that people still wanted more content from him. So he decided to travel again, this time going to Asia. This would only bolster his support as he began gaining thousands of followers.[/indent] [indent]Eventually Christopher decided to make this his full time job. For the last several years Christopher has traveled the world, making content on wherever he went. A few months back Christopher hit the one million subscriber count and decided to travel to his father’s homeland of Singapore for the occasion. From there he would travel down to Indonesia, then the Philippines, and then Guam. He then revealed on social media that he was going to do a collab video with another travel tuber in Japan. So he got on the plane, not expecting anything significant to happen on the flight.[/indent] [b]Their Secret:[/b] [indent][REDACTED][/indent] [b]Other Important Information:[/b] [indent][list][*]Christopher is fully fluent in English, French, and Spanish. He also has some basic skills in various European and Asian languages. [*]Christopher was on his school’s track team and has maintained some of that athleticism. [*]Knows self-defense as he took many years of Karate classes. [*]He is sometimes recognized while filming a video as he does have a diverse fan base.[/list][/indent] [/hider]