[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wclOl3Nt.png[/img] [h3]Suzy Lawrence[/h3] [/center] Of all the things Suzy had never thought she had to prepare was this kind of situation. The emergency landing alarm was blaring and the oxygen masks were dropped. Announcements were made in English, Japanese, and Mandarin, repeating the same word of telling the passengers to put the life vest on, tighten their seatbelt, and cover their head low. Suzy did this quite quickly, the cries of panicking travelers inside the cabin did not affect her. She took her time to help the other passengers sitting beside her, even when Suzy was not sure both herself and the stranger she helped would survive the situation. Everyone in Suzy's reach were able to follow the protocol quickly as the pilot's speaker repeated the words that would make even any atheists to doubt their choice of not believing in higher power. "Brace... brace... brace...!" Suzy did not know how it felt when the plane finally touched the ground. The tumbling and the stress knocked her unconscious. When Suzy eventually opened her eyes, people were already out of the cabin, or dead. The passengers by her side were not there anymore. The plane's remain was stable enough for Suzy to stand. She did not regret of choosing to wear her travel boots and more functional clothing instead of any fancier dress. Suzy had her jacket, shirt, trousers and belt with pouches on both sides. Even so, someone had taken her backpack; Suzy could not find it inside the cabin. Fortunately, she kept her compass and the necessary medical kit inside her belt pouches. The first thing she needed to do was to check the pilot cabin; the radio could still be online and the pilot might still survive. While doing so, Suzy also looked beyond the window and tried to recognize where they had just landed. Were they on an island, or maybe somewhere in the continent? Were they on the shoreline, or deep inland? [@JDubs] [hider=Invoke GM mechanism:] 1. Attempt to access cockpit -- if successful: ---- attempt to use the radio, use an aspect of Suzy's secret to contact "someone she knew" ---- ask the pilot of any information he knew, if he survived -- if failed: ---- determine the cockpit condition 2. Attempt to recognize where they crash landed (shoreline vs inland), GM decide the detail [/hider]