The chaos of the situation was mounting. Neil doubted they were unlimited in capacity or number, but as the beastmen that dripped flame continued to stream out of the collapsed heap of the building, he was justly concerned for the people in the near vicinity. They screamed in a wild, haunting manner as they raised black iron axes, eviscerating men and women. Dozens of commoners were burned or cut down, and even a noble with cavaliers flanking him was overrun. Three brawny mutants with flame-flecked lips brayed and leaped like mountain goats, bowling the men over and burning them to death even as they hacked their bodies apart, their iron weapons clipping the stone, parting the blood smears. Emmaline back up a step, arm up as if to shield herself from the reality of the situation. She turned around, eyes wandering hurriedly to find Neil before she realized he was still right beside her. "Neil, we should go." She advised him, putting a dainty hand on his arm. He didn't say a word in response. Instead he methodically loaded his custom-built black powder pistol. What guards there were within a mile began to hurry over. Some held shields emblazoned with Emmanuele's house symbol, but most had the famous Nuln-forged Halberds. They were given pause when they saw the flame radiating off them and the mutilated corpses burnt in the street, but most held their ground and made a quick formation. "Last night was great." Neil muttered to himself, venting. "Fucked all night, had a good morning, the world felt like it was sunshine and happiness. Beautiful girlfriend, graduated as an engineer. Then this fucking place burns to the ground and we're getting fucked over by beastman? Can't I just have a good time and let it lag before we get the shit end of the stick? Is that too much to ask?" "Neil?" Emmaline asked, bit more worriedly. She glanced left and right, from the struggle of the beastmen to Neil calmly loading his gun. "Let's go!" "Em, please." He told her, finally meeting her in the eyes. "We'll go back as soon as we're done here. But do me a favor real quick." The scoundrel handed her his gun, letting her take it in her hands awkwardly as he took out a long knife from within his left sock. There were still a few casualties to be butchered before the beastmen not engaged with the guards would get to them, but the line of civilians was thinning. "Change the iron bullet in the gun to silver, please? Or bronze, maybe. Tin might even work. Wait, no no. Silver." When she looked at him blankly, he just smiled and said. "Trust me."