[center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERkFtjaEpF8&ab_channel=AllIndiaRadio-Australianband[/youtube][/center] Scars still rippled across the galaxy. People were beginning to rebuild, some did so because they sought closure, putting and end of tragedy behind them. While others did so in order to tackle their own grief. While others remained angry through their sorrow. Four years wasn’t enough time to heal, four years was still fresh in the minds of many. Countless lives lost. Countless sleepless nights for some. Buildings could be rebuilt, but the hearts and minds of people couldn’t be rebuilt. This collective mission that gathered those of the SSV-Intervention, felt like that in some ways. A mutual few who shared hardships and trauma, whether or not they knew how much in common they shared. To some the SSV-Intervention seemed like the Alliance’s inability to let things go. A cause for vengeance that wasn’t necessary, the events that had spurred those on their destiny were from events that happened a few years ago. Couldn’t they let bygones be bygones? Some wondered. Whatever the case may be, today the SSV-Intervention departed from the Citadel, collecting the select few who had been chosen to soar across the galaxy tracking and seeking an enemy with multiple heads. While one of the heads of this hydra had been cut off by Shephard, some years ago, some heads remained and had slithered back hiding in shadows. Cerberus was out there, somewhere. In the vacuum of space, hiding in wait, like the lurking predator they were. Some were chosen to track this hydra down. Some were chosen to safekeep this crew. Some were chosen to lead this crew. And some were chosen to safeguard the ship, keeping it maintained. The SSV-Intervention glided through the stars. This was it. Those that had been chosen now looking out the windows as the Citadel became a speck. Just another piece of space debris floating alongside sparkly rocks they called stars. Ka’Sirin stood behind the pilot of the cockpit, a young spunky, human woman who had been chosen for this particular role. Orange glasses sat on her face which was dotted with enough freckles she looked like the stars they were setting course for. Her uniform wasn't Alliance colored approved, pink, and white. If Sirin cared, she would have reported her. But Alysa was a bright, pink, speck in a sea of dark colored steel. Alysa looks up at her, “You should do a speech?” she suggests excitedly. Sirin studies Alysa for a second, she wants her to do a speech? She didn’t have the natural military bravado for something like a speech. “What am I Commander Shephard now?” Sirin scoffed with an airy laugh. “It’s not actually a bad idea,” the Navigator, Thomas states, overhearing their conversation, “Could lift the spirits of those who just left home.” Sirin sighs. Fine it seems she outnumbered on this one. Turning on the Intercom. “Eh hem,” Sirin clears her throat, “SSV-Intervention this is your acting captain Ka’Sirin Aemoani. I have been informed more - like pressured into giving a speech.” “You’re not supposed to say that on the intercom,” Alysa states. “Godde- I mean,” she clears her throat one more time, “I know the enemy might seem nebulas. They have many forms and Cerberus has slipped through our grip like trying to grip onto sand.” Alysa gives her a thumbs up in approval. “But this time, once and for all we will slay this mythical beast for good,” Sirin pauses, “For now get to know your fellow crewmates. Who knows when you will have the time to chat with each other once we reach our destination. That’s it, that’s all I have for a speech, I didn’t write one down.” “I thought it was very good, poetic,” Alysa tells her. “Comms are still on,” Thomas tells her. Goddess. Fuck. “Right, let’s go kick some Cerberus ass,” she clicks off the intercom. That could have gone much better, could have gone much worse too. Sirin sighs. Though her reasons for piloting this ship were not entirely selfless, as she was sure many of those that accepted the roles on the ship also didn’t choose to be here mostly for altruistic reasons herself. Anyone who thought otherwise was fooling themselves if they believed themselves to be the next big hero. She wasn’t planning on going anywhere either to be replaced. Their current destination is Ebos in the Arghos Rho system. Perhaps she can selfishly find information on what she is looking to find as well. For now it was best to get to know the crew before they arrived at their destination