[center][color=lightblue][h1][b]Tenshi Hokori[/b][/h1][/color] [hider=Appearance][img]https://em.wattpad.com/6a4f246f6352b75637aea78d54a2ee3de5a81773/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f47316b4d6f794d396e4b374378413d3d2d3536322e3135656362356231666332663464353233353634333834333730382e6a7067[/img][/hider][/center] [hr] [indent]"We need to leave. NOW" That announcement from Ichika caught Tenshi off guard for a second. With that announcement a sick feeling ran through his body thinking of the worst case scenario. Yet he didn't think of the horror show that started that sprouted out of the water. A nightmare he had hoped he wouldn't have to see again, the rampage of a tailed beast. Being around for the last eight tails rampage within his own village. Saving his adoptive brother's life and nearly dying himself during that rampage. Once again staring down a tailed beast that being of the one tailed beast. Things kicked off quickly. Almost losing his own villages kids if it wasnt for Botan's quick thinking and grabbing them to keep them from falling in the water. Kamui though one of those who Botan saved jumped back into the water right when the sealing jutsu was going to start. Then started to use his own tailed beast. He then says without facing his brother, [color=lightblue]"Work on that sealing jutsu Botan. I'll go and make sure Kamui doesn't get himself killed."[/color] The chakra he had stored up for the small moment of building up his chakra now had a purpose. [color=lightblue]"All I have done was freak out about a slug and let that genin whose tailed beast is rampaging down. I am a poor excuse of a Kumo shinobi. Yet I am supposed to be an ambassador connecting the two villages together. Its time I actually did something."[/color] Tenshi monologue to himself before he started to stream chakra throughout his body. His hair began to stand on their ends. Clenching his fist his muscles all start to tense up getting ready for his assault. Bursting chakra throughout his body. His legs get coated in lightning chakra as he springs off the slug moving fast across the water. Using his incomplete lightning armor technique in his legs to build up speed to go right at sand spirit tailed beast. Tenshi moves the chakra to his arms as he begins his approach, [color=lightblue][b]"Lightning lariat!"[/b][/color] Aiming the center mass of the tailed beast with a large lightning attack coming from his arm looking to clash into with the tailed beast.[/indent]