[@Dark Cloud] That,motherfucking, guy is sucking like a dim college goer that trying to earn a degree. Alright, I'll let you use that picture, brother. I'll even go one step further and add it to the suit roster. Here's the stats for it. [code] [color=orange] / / / Hazard [/color] [/color=red] / Armor [/color] Special Features: Comes with a special multi-purpose vacuum capable of mopping, sweeping, sucking and blowing-to a weak extent- any debris or liquids it finds. This is the only suit capable of actually removing waste and sucking in gas clouds into a airtight metal container on the back. The vacuum continuously spray and air cleans anything it goes by as it does it job so it makes once hazardous areas movable for others although it cannot decontaminate persistent threats such as larva or radioactive chunks. The suit dosen't boast real armor but its backpack can be removed and set to blow with a timer thanks to a jury rig by the RnD field. Acting as a big toxic bomb comparable to a plastic explosive but once the backpack is gone you can't use your cleaning ability until you get back to the colony and get a new one. [/code] You can have the honour of naming it, brother.