[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/XL7Lon1.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Rune_Alchemist] Reinhardt let out a quiet sigh as he made his patrol about the southern rampart. He'd been been at Airedale a bit over a month at this point and the most action he'd seen was dealing with a single case of petty theft. It was much more peaceful here than it was back home. Though it was admittedly rather boring at times... It wasn't bad. The knight paused his patrol, closing his eyes as he inhaled the cool breeze that drifted over the side of the wall; the barest smile playing at the edges of his lips. The frantic ring of a bell shattered the silence. It took Reinhardt only a moment to identify the source of the sound. [color=darkorange]"North gate, eh?"[/color] he muttered, unhooking his helm from his waist and affixed it neatly atop his head as he jumped down onto the streets below. With all haste, the man would quickly arrive at the North gate, sword drawn and chestplate alight with a dim orange glow. Taking quick note of his surroundings, Reinhardt stepped out the gate and stealthily lowered himself into the tall grasses that bordered the Northern wall. To face an enemy you could see coming was one thing, but to but set upon suddenly by a foe strong enough to cleave grown men in half? That kind of thing had the power to make most men turn tail and flee the moment organs started flying. And thus Reinhardt would wait, creeping forward ever so slowly-- eagerly waiting to receive the first of the bandits' assault force.