The tavern had a number of customers despite the time of day. Early morning before the first rays of the morning sun shone upon the land. A small group was gathered around a table with mead in their hand. "Another quiet night. Good job, everyone!" A female voice cheered, Lady Lunalel Lightsword. "I believe they won't fault us for a round." There was a small cheer from all the others that came with her as they raised their drink high with a nice cheer. "Three cheers for Her Majesty!" Luna cheered, leading to the cheers before everyone took their drink. Luna was out drinking with the soldiers a lot. Perhaps a little too much, truthfully, though she didn't have much issue with the typical effect of drinking alcohol. As everyone finished their first drink, most decided one was enough, just incase. But not Luna of course. "Another round for me!" She called out to the bartender who had already started preparing a second round for her. A waitress, or, perhaps, the only one that was working at such a time, came around quickly with a second one. She took a little bit longer to drink this second one so she could actually savor the flavor of the mead. The city made a wonderful mead that she could only really hope to get back home by traveling merchants. "Another!" She called out. One of the soldiers with her looked on in disbelief. "She's going for another?" "She can hold her drink pretty damn well." Another said with a shrug. "She's also fine after she wakes back up, no hang over or anything." "I told you, House Lightsword has the blood of Giants. It's what lets me drink as much as I want!" Lunalel smiled as her third drink arrived, "My, do I need to regale you on the story of House Lightsword?" She asked with a wide smile. "Lady Luna, I think we heard it at least twice through out the night. You can enjoy the drink." Said one of the soldiers that had heard it more than that since the Lady of House Lightsword had come to the city. Luna sighed, "Fine, fine." She took the new drink in her hand and took a gulp. The conversation went on for a while until they heard a worrying sound. "Bells?" One of the soldiers hopped up, "Y-yes! Warning bells!" He just confirmed Luna's thoughts as they all looked at each other, nodded, and stood. They gathered their arms and headed out of the pub. The soldier looked at the barkeep and gave a small shout, "Put it on the tab of Lady Luna here!" The barkeep gave a small smile and nodded. "Hey! You better pay your own!" Luna exclaimed as they all piled out the door and started to head towards the north gate where the noise was coming from. Soon they were stopped by a familiar face. A Tuatha youth, Lugh, who informed them where to head to. Then Luna. She needed to head to collect the Queen. She nodded and agreed. Of course the Queen would want to be here for this. After telling the soldiers not to get hurt, she turned and headed towards where the Queen should be if no one had seen her this morning, her chambers. It wasn't too difficult to get there as she soon found herself in front of Her Majesty's room and gave a knock. "Your Majesty!" She didn't hear a reply in a quick enough time, that is to say, in the matter of two seconds. She threw open the doors and entered. She didn't mind if the Queen punished her for this action but she was needed at the ramparts. "Queen Sorcha, you're need at the gates. The town is under attack."