At Bane's question and request, Chas was hesitant to let Bane get anywhere near to Papa Midnite but it did feel safer to let Bane go off than it was to let Serena do it. With a hefty sigh after he weighed up the options in his head. "I don't like it and John will probably have a go at me for telling you this but your best bet is to lurk around the dark alleys, the secret passages underground and such where the downworld lurks. Its where all the riff-raff and scumbags hang out, but Bane you gotta be careful, if people or demons or whoever get wind of what your doing? You're a deadman" he warned him as a friend. Kay could see how Trish was, see the worry in her body language which made Kay wish she knew what to do to help. Clearly her words of reassurance weren't working. "you okay kiddo?" she asked tentatively.