[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220120/7abdfa9500473b15d206d2f3f6f55307.png[/img][/CENTER] [hr][hr] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=#1aa3ff][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Laughing Worg Tavern -- The City of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] Artemis leaned in as Seele explained the disappearances, noting how pretty much any information that her guild had gathered was already covered by Seele's explanations. The girl remained silent, thinking through the whole situation and imagining how awful it must have been for the friends of these people. At least she [i]knew[/i] what happened to her friends, had they just disappeared... Artemis didn't know how she would carry herself. Watching the others around the table, she wondered briefly just what might be going through their minds. How they were handling the disappearance of others, did they find it as terrifying as she did? Artemis shook her head, perishing those thoughts to focus back on the task at hand. Then an even more haunting realization dawned upon the girl. [i]She[/i] was now a solo player, the most common kind of player to disappear, and a spellcaster at that. Fear gripped her heart as once more, she realized once more that she was alone. Sure, this group had welcomed her to sit and help with their issue but... at some point, they'd go home. At some point, she'd be alone heading to her guild house, and risk becoming another point of data on Seele's documents. Panic started to set in, the girl's leg starting to bounce under the table as she tried to desperately reign herself in to keep a calm demeanor. Without thinking, Artemis reached out to rest a hand on Graves' forearm and gripping tightly, reminding herself where she was, that she wasn't alone. As she calmed, the girl realized slowly that she was still in the Tavern surrounded by others. The color deepened in her cheeks as embarrassment from her outburst rose to the forefront of her mind. She quickly released Graves' forearm, looking away at that moment. [color=#1aa3ff]"S-sorry, lack of sleep is getting to me..."[/color] She whispered in a small voice, taking the next few moments to collect herself, then speaking up. [color=#1aa3ff]"If solo spellcasters are their most common target, then... we could also bait a trap. After we find the information, I meet both those criteria at the moment. Just... until then I'd prefer not to be alone for... obvious reasons."[/color] She said softly, the wavering in her voice betraying that perhaps more had gone on in her head than simply a lack of sleep. [/indent][/indent][/indent]