[@Ponn] Oh, you might have misunderstood. Camelot actually takes secret identities pretty seriously. She's not going to escort the group right out in the open where any random civilian could see a magical girl just walking around with a bunch of supposed normals. She'll stay close enough to react, but she's on the rooftops and not really in casual conversation distance with the rest of the group. If Olivia decides to dip back and forth between groups, that's one thing, but Camelot would be a separate interaction. At this point, based on how far forward everyone else is, we may be getting into the realm of some severe timey-whimey shenanigans, so I'm down for a collab to smooth out any conversation they have on the way over so it happens in 1 or two posts at most. By the end of my next post, at minimum, I want to have Camelot's timeline moved up to the point at which Charlotte speaks to her.