Aiya was certainly not having a good time, There was a non-zero chance that she would lose, and that was most certainly bothering her. Her eyes met her monsters for a half moment, and she could have sworn they returned the gaze. But that was just nerves. Holograms didn't have souls. She had to believe that fate had an out for her. That she could win even on such a back-foot disadvantage. Eying her opponent she was stalling to draw her card and she knew by his staring that she'd prefer to get this over with quickly. "Draw" She'd say looking at her card, Seeing it. The final piece. The winning move. It was right in front of her. She just had to put it into motion and hope her opponents face down would not disrupt her victory. All or nothing. "Here I go, I summon 'Lightning, Dragon Ruler of Drafts'" She'd declare summoning the fourth and final Dragon-ruler to her side of the field. [b]Lightning, Dragon Ruler of Drafts[/b] ATK 500 The Wind-dragon would let out a roar of triumph even for its smaall stature as it would eye the monsters across from itself. "You almost had me, You really did, but luck is on my side today." She'd say as she'd breath in. "Your creepiness ends here. I activate my trap card!" She'd say as the card would flip up on her side of the field. The bug-guys face staring at it in annoyance. He had no negation. The smile erupting across Aiya's face was plain to see in that moment. "Fuh-Run-Ka-Zan, to activate it the conditions are that i control a fire, wind, earth, and water monster." She'd say motioning to her dragon rulers "I have assembled all the pieces, So I can activate one of its powerful effects" She'd say as the fire symbol on the statue would begin to glow. "I choose to destroy all of your monsters!" SHe'd declare outstreching her arm towards her opponents side of the field. Her dragons would rise up in a chorus of roars, each one offering their elemental energies to the trap card. As it would begin to charge up. The ball of orange fire growing and growing and growing until! It was blasted at her opponents side of the field. Eradicating all her opponents monsters in bursts of light and noisy explosions. "The path is open. Battle phase" She'd say as she'd move directly forward. Eying her opponent. "Ah. Please my dear, Reconsider!" The creepy bug dude would tell her. She would do no such thing. "Go my dragon rulers, Direct attack!" She'd say as her monsters would leap towards the creepy digibug duelist. Who would soon be barraged by a variety of elemental attacks, from hot fire, to ballistic speed pebbles, to Shivering water droplets, and beating gusts of wind. [b]A total creep![/b]: 4000 -> 2400 -> 1100 -> 100 -> 0 "And don't come back here again unless you change your attitude!" She'd yell as his life points were depleted to zero.