[center][color=gold][h1]Leannah[/h1][/color] [i]"The Clustertruck"[/i][/center] [hr] A Giant Enemy Slime? The rest of the Hunters?! A deer thing?!?! LAZHIRA?!?!?!?!?! Albeit the lattermost party seemed to bolt, which was good, but it did not look good at all. This was not any kind of good. The Hunters were under a rather bad impression as it was about Lazhira, and this monster was nothing good in the first place. Nothing good at all. She couldn't see Narkissa or any of the others, but she did not trust the Hunters. Neither had anything slipped out of the gate with them, she knew that much. She could see the remnants of some kind of crate next to the slime as well, as if someone had...ah. The slime was an obvious threat, but hell if she was not suspecting the worst right now! [color=gold]"Akando! Eirhild! Protect the Carts! The other Hunters and Soyala are enemies, and are all also after Lazhira!"[/color] Leannah directed the cart to the side to avoid plowing forward into the mess, stopping as quickly as she could and standing up. She did not hesitate to leap off of the cart, holding out one hand and beginning to channel the same 'failed light spell' effect as she had before. Not as potent and big as she had before within the Illuminator's divine realm, but stronger than what she'd thrown back in Delphiti's old lab. Potent enough and burn-y, and without being too big or too little...or being used in a rather contained and much smaller space. She'd made that mistake once, and wanted to keep it that way. Still, Leannah gauged the distance needed to be safe of the blast radius based on her experiences with this spell's use so far, both after using it in a closed space and a not-so-closed one as well. But there was no time to hesitate, no greater time to think or ponder the situation. She had to pick and unleash her attack at a target. A monster was here, and their obvious enemies were as well. Thus they had to act, and fast. Yet Donovan charging the slime made her initial choice of target impossible, and so the Bastelian had to choose a second target and throw her spell before it was too late or became too big. Leannah thus desperately hurled the miniature exploding sun as hard and true as she could muster strength from her body, sending it flying beyond to the other side of the slime. With her quick change in aim the idea was to place it as close as possible to the nearest hunter on the other side. Far away from herself and the carts and known allies being in the blast radius at all, and hurled over the top of the slime to avoid hitting Donovan. It wasn't much of an aim, chosen at the last second but hopefully not having regrettable consequences. [@Guy0fV4lor][@Rune_Alchemist]