[hr][hr] [center][color=696969][h1]Bethany Bell[/h1][/color] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/LsKRtFky/image.png[/img] [I][color=696969] Westchester, New York, Xavier's Mansion Foyer. Skills: N/A[/color][/i][/center] [hr][hr] [color=696969]"Maybe we should get you checked out, because passing out isnt really normal right?"[/color] Bethany asked Mary as she continued to pin down Danger, feeling the robot straining against her powers. Bethany looked towards Ed and gave him a slight smile, as she kept Danger down for now. Danger was still a threat as she noticed her shadows pinning her down were bending slightly, but she kept her grip. When Beth heard a car driving up, and then heard two familiar voices as she turned around to see both Rogue and Wolverine coming into the mansion's foyer and addressing Danger as Danger glitched out again before she shut herself down. She turned around to look at the two for a moment as Rogue mentioned them being back at HQ. [color=696969]"It probably sounds a bit crazy, but the three of us are from a different reality, we were on our way back to Earth when we kinda slipped into a rift, and we got separated from the others in the process. Our ship is kinda in the lake to just outside of the mansion, if you don't believe us."[/color] Beth said and looked over towards Mary and then over towards Rogue and Logan. [color=696969]"Whats off about Mary?"[/color] Bethany asked the two of them.