[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=87d0f2]Callie Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/qqFnQxGx/image.png[/img] [i]Location: The Grove Skills: N/A[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Callie looked around the room, as those who voted yes seemed to outnumber the the ones who were opposed to it she wasnt sure if whatever option the other provided would have been a good option. Callie stared at Sinister for a moment and shook her head slightly, she really wasnt sure how he even got a place on the council in the first place. They needed to do something that would lift people's spirits up as Callie leaned back in her seat for a moment looking over towards Esme and Reeva as they set up a date for the event. [color=87d0f2]"If you'd like some help i'm willing to."[/color] Callie said towards Esme, it would help with planning things easier having someone else to bounce ideas off of. Callie thought for a moment about adopting a kid, but she didnt think she'd be a really good parent really either, she wasnt sure what to think of Destiny as she spoke to James mentioning him adopting a son from the Hellfire Manor. She couldn't really imagine Casper being a parent either, he seemed a little bit scatter brained to help raise a child, even though he was a friend of her's but it was up to them really though.