[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yZLrnPU.png[/img] [@Blazion][@Eviledd1984][/center] Hemlock may have control of devices on the network, but Min-Ji had a finger on the pulse. Critical functions relied on stable power. Entire states go down when the delicate balance is disrupted. She of course had to be careful. In a space this deep underground fresh air had to be pumped and circulated down else it would become a tomb after all. First she remained and drew in power to charge herself for her inevitable departure. There was no telling what they would come to face on the surface. Wary of drawing too much she stopped before overloading. She then sent pulses back out to put some of the other power generation out of phase. Not everything, but enough would be down that the facility would be running on emergency power for the next hour or more as the workers scrambled to bring everything back online. Anything they might need she could power herself. Breaking away she sparked and crackled with energy. It had been years since she'd felt the full rush of lightning coursing through her veins. Arc Dragon was back. The cries of the two guards drew her attention as the door of her cell was ripped away and consumed. This was the first time she'd seen this creature. Was it friend or foe? Chittering and scrambling it fought to get into the cell which really wasn't large enough for such a monster. Lifting a hand she let out a shockwave that ran briefly though Kailani. Tilting her head to one side the makeup of the creature felt familiar. [color=powderblue]"Kailani?[/color] A few steps closer and a lick to the face later confirmed that, at least, the beast did not mean her harm. [color=powderblue]"We must rejoin the others."[/color] She ignored the two guards, even they knew that what they had on them wouldn't save them at this point, nevermind the all consuming alien. Between Kailani's brute force, tough exterior, and supreme nommage coupled with Min-Ji's raw power output, nothing really stood in their way back to the cafeteria to group back up. The crack of thunder filled the space as the Asian woman clapped her hands and separated them. No light came of it, but an invisible bolt of dark lightning brimming with gamma radiation was directed and struck Abby. Producing such was no small feat, but Min-Ji could leach off other devices in the interim. Finding a "safe" source of radiation otherwise would be too costly for time and worth the sacrifice if it got them moving quicker.