Gnarlton was a sight to see, at least for a country-bumpkin like Brandy, no doubt! The stone walls that surrounded the city weren't the tallest or the thickest, the gate into the town wasn't the grandest or most elaborate, and the town itself wasn't the largest or most populated - but to Brandy, [i][b]this[/b][/i] was a city! Never before had she seen so many people or heard so many voices or been treated to so many smells and sounds all at once. So many buildings of varying shapes and sizes, colors and styles. So many people of differing social standing and race! It was almost overwhelming to the point that the little satyress could barely contain her excitement for it all. In truth, Gnarlton was a fairly average town, with some 12,000~13,000 permanent residents. Most buildings were made out of stone or bricjk, as opposed to wood like they had been in the past. Streets were laid with cobblestone and there were even street lamps along the larger and wider roads. Buildings stood between one to three storeys tall with various roofings, from tiles to simple lumber logs or planks. The archietecutre was a hodge-pode of different styles and cultures, as the town was a trading hub and was home to a multitude of different species. The heart of the town was a large marketplace, with stalls and peddlers and vendors trying to pawn their goods. The west and east ditricts were mostly residential, with the south district - the one where our girls were now at - being the commercial district. The north part of Gnarlton was, however, home to less reputable sorts, such as the red light district and the slummier parts... Unfortunately, this was [i]also[/i] where the Guild had their local hall in this town. But none of that currently mattered, as a certain bouncing satyr made a beeline over to watch a silly man in silly make-up juggle a bunch of bowling-pin shaped ... Pins? of carious colors, all while speaking in a ludicrous fashion and making cringeworthy jokes and observations. Juggling clowns... In Gnarlton. Yup. Truly a place of high culture and refined tastes. After the man eventually stopped his act and bowed, and had a few on-lookers toss a pitiful pittance of coins into his up-side-down-hat-on-theground, Brandy was off! To the next strip performer! This time a lady in scandlous clothes... No... You couldn't actually call that clothes... More like, strips and pieces of fabric, maybe? Which was also dangerously translucent ... This one was swinging her long strands of fabric on her arms and legs around like shawls, weaving and doing motions to get them to flutter ever so vividly... And show off hger rather attractive figure in the process. Not that she could hold a candle to Brandy, but then again, who really could? "Woooooooow! Look at her go! Like, I've never seen anyone dancin' like that before. The dances mama and papa taught me were all so stiff and boring... Traditional stuff realy ain't my speed, y'know?" Brandy stated, to nobody in particular, except maybe herself? "And that outfit... It's so cool! I wonder if I can get a similar one somewhere? MHmm, but I think a black or red one would be better... Pink isn't really my color, maa-haa-haa~!" Again, talking aloud to probably herself. There was much more around than the performers though. The southern district were full of shops and stores, from those of a gneral nature to things like apothecaries, antique shoppes, weapons and armor stores, magic trinket boutiques and so much more! If Alice and Sofia didn't desire to be dragged into every single establishment with a colorful sign and window-display, they might want to reel-in their hyper-active friend and drag her along to their actual destination... That being if they themselves knew where it was... But maybe some friendly local could share that tidbit with them, if they asked politely.