[center][h1][color=37B5A9]Stephanie Irwin[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504262251755339776/934958596612034630/Konachan.com_-_237143_sample.png[/img] [hider=Inventory] Pokedollars: 1000 1xpotion 4xpokeballs [/hider] [hider=Pokemon] [hider=Team] [hider=Numero Uno] [color=80FCFF]Dusk[/color] [img]https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/x-y/shiny/litwick.png[/img] Species: Litwick Type: Fire/Ghost Level: 5 Status: Moves: Smog, Ember, Astonish Ability: Infiltrator- Passes through the opposing barrier, substitute, and the like and strikes. Held Item: [/hider] [hider=Numero Duo] [color=A8A7A5]Dennis[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/eGE2pGC.png[/img] Species: Pidove Type: Flying/Normal Level: 4 Status: Beaten to a pulp Moves: Gust, Growl, Leer Ability: Super Luck- Increases the critical hit ratio by 1 stage. Held Item: [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Pc] [/hider] [/hider] [/center] Walking over and flicking the Pokeball up into the air with her foot, she snatched it out of the air and stared intently at the red and white orb before glancing down into her other hand where her pokedex was making a racket. Oh right right, money for a catch, the recording of said pokemon and all that jazz. Even though she had only been told just minutes ago she had already almost forgotten it all. Though suppose that's what happens when you zone out whatever you're being told. At any rate, as she glanced at Dusk, who seemed rather unhappy for some reason, on her shoulder and down at the pokedex in her hand she seemed to mull over something before sighing. [color=37B5A9]"C'mawn nao nayd t' sulk, ih' ooll ended up waell in the end roigh'? And we gawt oursaelves a new mate as well! Cawnsoiderin haow much of a maenyce thiies sheettah was, Oy'm theenkin Dennis buh' whahtcha theenk Dusk?"[/color] The Litwick continued to give her the cold shoulder, causing the girl to sigh again. Suppose she should've at least given the little bud a warning first huh. In her excitement she had might've gotten a little...overzealous. She would have to make it up to her partner later, but for now, she should head on down to the Pokecenter and get these two back in tip-top shape before going anywhere else. So she did just that, unless something of particular note cropped up along the way. She would try to explain to the nurse joy on hand what had happened when she handed over her pokemon, but upon receiving what was no doubt a blank look she just shrugged and went to sit down while she waited. Maybe start up a conversation if anyone seemed interesting enough. Of note as well was that she had forgotten to deal with her scraped arms though, nor did she seem bothered by it. Though something did seem to be stinging....