[@Fading Memory] Ahaha, Ellis is a good grandfatherly figure, he is. A source of inspiration for storytelling, a friendly obstacle/clue giver in the way of curious dibbuns trying to find all the hidden secrets of the cellar, and probably well aware of Grant sneaking some bottles to his chums. I can just imagine them being found sleeping in the orchard hidden by some bushes. Hahaha. The old folks reminiscing about their own sneaky trials of ale after rousing the lot and sending them hopping to dishwashing duty with banging heads. So, probably a bit of grandfathering when Rigby was a dibbun, then mostly interaction through being friends with Grant, and then it's come back to Rigby being old enough to not have that separation between adult and kid awkwardness. Good times. Tybalt just walking down the hall, minding his own business until he hears someone coming, and then he starts holding out his paws and looking like to walk into the furniture, and it takes a whole season for the young'uns to start wondering how they keep finding him in different places if he's so bad at getting around and doing for himself.