[quote=@Nemaisare] [@Lord Wraith] Methinks Rigby is maybe only a season or two older than Bancroft, or maybe they're the same age... So I do imagine they might have played together when they were younger. So there could be a story or two there (I foresee them getting into trouble, yes, because Dibbuns). And if Bancroft visits regularly then it wouldn't have been that hard to maintain a sense of friendship, at the very least. Unless they started out disliking each other, lol, though they don't seem likely to. Rigby's probably bothered him with farming questions at some point and plied him with tasty food and maybe visited his farm? (so he could ask even more questions, obviously)[/quote] I definitely see them as being friendly and former trouble makers together. Makes sense the mice would run amok together. I'd imagine that friendship would continue into their 'adulthood'. Would be interesting to see Rigby out on the farm just watching everyone breaking up the earth with their tilling tools and plows and sort of shocked at the amount of work that goes into growing enough grain to keep the Abbey fed.