[@Lewascan2] Yeah, this is more or less an IM-style RP that you’d see on a platform like Discord; we don’t really have long and flowery posts like you’d see in Advanced. I’d argue that the plot complexity is on par with those, but that’s a different debate =). In terms of structured plots, we don’t have a GM who controls the story. Instead, each player has an idea of what story they want to tell and more or less drives a plot from there. But we very much push duel-adaptability, so the story you come up with may end up being changed by the actions of the characters involved. The HQ thing still exists, but we’ve sort of started to sunset that idea, given that a centralized location doesn’t make much sense for the sheer number of characters at this point. There are a couple alternatives proposed/in the works, but that’s an open question still. Dark Cloud’s skeleton character, for example, has never been there.