Aiya's relentless assault caused the man to clutch himself, doubling over as he took ragged breaths. He did his best to supress a scream, instead letting out pained groans and grunts. One hand was on the duel table in front of him. "I-Impossible... this pain... what is...?" he stammered out, weakly raising up his hooded head. The duel was over, and the dark mist that had been enveloping him slowly evaporated from around his body. "No... no! We... I can't go yet! How could we be separated?! What..." he rambled incoherently, then his gaze noticeably shifted to the cards on Aiya's side of the field. "Spirits... accursed spirits! I... Gaaaaaah!" he screamed out. The topmost card in his graveyard, Giga-Brilliant, was being eaten up by shadows. Before it vanished completely, the man looked up at Aiya again, the hood falling off his head. Even through the mess of dishevelled hair, Aiya could see the bags underneath his eyes and the dull look he had. The man hadn't slept in days. "Where ... am ... I? ... Ryu ... ka...?" he stammered out. His voice was softer, his demeanour changed completely. He sounded confused. The man reached his hand forward, trying to reach out to her. The last bit of Giga-Brilliant was devoured by the darkness, and at that moment all life seemed to drain from the customer. He promptly collapsed, outstretched arm going limp over the table and taking his deck with him, scattering it all over the floor. There wasn't any response from him after that.