Sup, been looking over this forum for a couple days now and finally decided to stop lurking and try my hand at joining in personally. So, I decided to do something a bit interesting I think for this OC (the third of the -probably- three characters I'm making). The CS is effectively an official government document from the last world he was on, the super-hero universe of Worm. Basically, his entering of this story is not the first time he's jumped universes on accident. Although, to be more specific, he was banished from his first one by the local gods for accidentally figuring out how to become even more immortal than them... and also for kinda-sorta destroying a whole-ass planet in the name of saving humanity. By doing the CS this way, his full powerset and how it actually functions is somewhat vague but will be expounded upon during the narrative of IC, as seemingly preferred for character creation in the OOC instructions. [hider=Collin Erenado PRT Threat Analysis] [color=00a651]Name[/color]: Collin Erenado. (fake?) [color=00a651]Codename[/color]: [Overclock] (pending). [color=00a651]Rating[/color]: Mover, Brute, Thinker, Breaker, Trump, Master [color=00a651]Disposition[/color]: Independent Vigilante. [color=00a651]Location[/color]: Brockton Bay, Massachusetts, USA. [color=00a651]General Information[/color]: A short-haired, blue-eyed brunette of tanned Caucasian ethnicity, who conducts his heroism maskless in a plain, green hoodie, blue-jeans and sneakers. Unworried by threats to his civilian life, claiming he will simply "handle anyone who tries anything". Claims to be a mercenary. A possible cross-continental runaway, whose face and name don't match up with any on record, though his distinctly American accent suggests otherwise. [color=00a651]Personality[/color]: Jovial and friendly, though he takes crime fighting too seriously and is self-confident to a degree that borders on arrogant. He professes to believe strongly in the power of humanity and civilized society, despising disruptions to that, and he is willing to go to extremes to solve things if he thinks people in authority are incapable -or even culpable. Also is very much atheist and openly scorns religion with a very concerning ideology ("Gods are just people humans haven't figured out how to kill yet."). Believes in the power of the people and that revolution is an acceptable solution if someone higher up is doing things wrong. His sense of justice is a lot more "eye for an eye" than is proper. Despite this, he is honestly heroic in intent and is rather self-sacrificing, absolutely refusing to allow others to put their lives at risk, even other heroes, when he could go instead. He can best be described in this statement: "I believe in the goodness in humanity with my entire being; however, I will never shy away when it comes time to cull the evil, to trim the hedges of humanity, so that the good can shine all the brighter." [color=00a651]Power Assessment[/color]: [color=f7941d]Mover 3-10[/color]: [Possesses a state he calls "Overclock", which is spread out in five levels of exponentially escalating speed, reflexes, and physical strength. The stages multiply his base power in increments of 2, 4, 16, 256, and 65,536 respectively. By stage three alone, he is capable of throwing blows at twice the speed of sound and moving at half that speed. At stage four, he can immediately exceed the speed of sound by a factor of 16.7, and his fists' blows start literally setting the air on fire from the sheer friction, causing explosive burns on those they impact. And god help the poor soul that requires him to call upon his fabled final form. Only Endbringers have ever pulled it out of him. His recorded speeds at various stages are: 50 mph/73 fps (base), 100 mph/146 fps (1st stage), 200 mph/293 fps (2nd stage), 800 mph/1,173 fps (3rd stage), 12,800 mph/18,773 fps (4th stage), 3,276,800 mph/4,805,888 fps (5th stage). However, each stage also comes with a time limit he must reach while using the previous stage to activate the next. These time limits are also exponential in nature, and -while stage one can be activated instantly- stages two through 5 require waiting times of 2, 4, 16, and 256 seconds -in that order- to be utilized.] [color=f7941d]Brute/Shaker 3(10)[/color]: [His base state possesses a superior physicality to even Olympic competitors, able to surpass the top recorded running speed of a powerless individual with no observed difficulty. Able to throw blows at up to 60 mph that hit like a literal truck to the face, and subject's physical constitution is also twice as resistant to sickness, malnutrition, and toxins, whilst healing at several times the rate of a normal human. A night of immediate bed rest can heal a straight up impalement, leaving only soreness. His now rather iconic hoodie, jeans, and sneakers also repair themselves of damage over time at about the same rate. Can summon forth a set of slim, formfitting armor that looks like a futuristic knight. The armor -with grills on the helmet's outer jawline, upper torso, small pauldrons, and lower forearms- is brilliant, almost glowing green with a blue emblem of spread wings on the upper sternum; whilst the neck, waist, armored hands, and boots are grey; and the rest of the arms and legs are a pearl white. In addition, gaps in the armor, like the joints, grills on the jaw of the helmet, and vents on the clavicles and lower back glow blue. The armor is made up of some material that no Protectorate Tinkers have been able to analyze, and whatever material comprises it is utterly inviolable to all conceivable damage in a way that comparing its strength to the Siberian or Alexandia's invulnerability would not be far off. The armor possesses an advanced air filtration system that screens toxins, the ability to seal itself off from nautical environments, as well as oxygen tanks that hold an as of yet undetermined amount of air. Apparent plasma thrusters are located on the underside of the boots and stabilizers on the elbows and middle spine, though subject calls them "costly and energy guzzling wastes of space". Short bursts of the rockets can double his speed in close combat. Flaps on both shoulders of the armor can be opened to grant access to a pocket dimension, where he keeps his weapons (see Tinker rating) and can presumably store other items.] [color=f7941d]Tinker 7[/color]: [Possesses a pair of swords he claims he made in collaboration with several other Tinkers he names as Lucifer, Zenion, Encore, and Blot. The pair of weapons are mirror images with a three-inch wide, black, ridged, three-foot long blade shaped like a handsaw and no guard, which he calls Bakuhatsu (Explosion) and OWCH (One Which Cuts Horribly). As the names imply, any cuts Bakuhatsu makes explode instantly, while OWCH cuts far more cleanly and can cut from range with thin blades of unknown energy. In addition, the dual swords share several functions. The weapons are ridiculously dense (and thus durable), yet also impossibly weightless, and sharp to a monoatomic degree. Both weapons are capable of self repair by breaking down nearby matter to reconstruct themselves. They are also capable of hyper-compressing extra matter inside themselves to save for repairs when none is available. Subject labels the weapons as being "as alive as they could possibly be without being human" and "the greatest instruments ever crafted by humanity", claiming they both possess an artificial intelligence that allows the weapons to identify their wielder and punish the "unworthy" that touch them through various means. Subject claims the weapons can detect a potential wielder's nature and intentions for their use and will reject anyone who would wield them against the collective humanity. Due to their sentience and control over their own composition, the weapons are capable of adapting to substances they fail to pierce, scanning the target with each strike and changing to incorporate a method of cutting their prey with dangerous ease. Bakuhatsu and OWCH can be slotted together along their longer edges to from a single three-foot long, four-inch wide at the base, black, ridged broadsword, which combines the two blades' unique qualities into one weapon, allowing ranged slices that explode to be made and is labeled far from pretentiously for its power "Ex(ceptional)-caliber" as a seeming homage to the legendary weapon of the mythical King Arthur. The blade also adapts to opposing targets quicker, becomes observably more durable, self-repairs faster, and cuts to a monomolecular level. The weapon is capable of unleashing a powerful, wave-like, golden beam of unknown energy, which is "sealed" behind set pass-phrases/conditions that must be met. Each "seal" releases a subsequent tenth of the weapon's full power, a blast large enough to be viewed from orbit (see linked NASA report). Restraints: [color=00a651]The wielder is a Maker. The battle is to save lives. The weapon is used willingly. The enemy threatens the world. The battle is not for personal gain. The enemy is superior in strength. The enemy requires the weapon's full power. The innocent won't be harmed by the blast. The battle is morally upright. The battle is against evil.[/color] Upon the first condition being met, Ex-caliber is capable of being further "unsealed" by a separate "worthy" wielder, but the weapon will return automatically to it's restricted state after five minutes separated from the hands of its owner. Also, whilst the latter conditions may be "met" in any order, the first three restrictors must be lifted first and in order. It is unclear how much of the weapons' features are his own work, and so his rating remains lower than it might otherwise be.] [color=f7941d]Thinker 6[/color]: [Reflexes escalate in unison with his "Overclock" state (see Mover rating), and he claims that he is able to view the world at a maximum of twice the speed of whatever speed he is moving at the time. Can sense what he calls the "life force" or "immateria" of others and can identify and track at range those he has spent sufficient time with. This sensory power has an unknown range (but is, at the very least, city-wide) and is, thus far, unable to be blocked or prevented by any technological or Parahuman means. To a degree, he also claims to be able to match the effects of powers on an area to the individual(s), who used them. Is able to communicate at regular speed with others whilst retaining the reaction speed of each level of Overclock.] [color=f7941d]Striker/Breaker 4[/color]: [Subject suffers no ill effects from moving and hitting at the speed he does, though he still takes unhindered damage without his armor. While using "Overclock", he can selectively share this Breaker state with other individuals he is carrying. However, people he carries do not share his enhanced perception of the world, and time passes normally for them, resulting in potentially nauseating trips.] [color=f7941d]Trump 8[/color]: [(See Thinker rating) As far as can be told, he is not at all lying about his sensory abilities; with time any secret identity can become totally useless. Claims his "Overclock" state started out limited to the first stage and that it grows in power and unlocks a new level whenever four specific conditions are met: [color=00a651]1: He is using his power's current maximum level. 2: His death is distinctly imminent. 3: Gaining the new level will allow him to definitively survive the attack in some way. 4: That he did not deliberately put himself in that position to gain more power.[/color] Has implied that there may be further stages available, but he isn't counting on obtaining them any time soon. Can charge his fists with an energy that somehow bypasses all power-based defenses utterly and attacks a target's "overall health" or "soul", letting him hit Brutes and Breakers like they are a regular person. Afterwards their powers are even left temporarily weaker by a not unnoticeable degree; a single blow with this ability can leave the target so physically exhausted they are unable to move for a week. He is also apparently immune to all forms of mental manipulation, and his body cannot be manipulated or transmuted.] [color=f7941d]Notes[/color]: [Verified A-Class Threat.] [color=ed1c24]Recommended Strategies[/color]: [Subject apparently possesses a finite energy pool that all his powers run on to some degree or another, and, apparently, his armor and both the upper two stages of Overclock are so draining they are saved as last resorts for this reason alone. If it comes to a fight, assassination by Stranger is likely the only option available before he escalates too far to be contained. A member of the Triumvirate should be on standby at a distance in case of failure. He must be killed instantaneously, or he will simply form his armor and wait out the following assault, while he powers-up Overclock. Should the previous method fail, assume he has reached stage 3-4 of his Mover power and begin indirect assault with Trumps, Strangers, and illusionary/sensory interference. Heavy hitters should now engage. Strategy forward will likely consist of nothing less than attempting to drain his energy supply dry; exhaustion and endurance will be the name of the game. Unfortunately, if enough time passes and he decides to take the situation seriously enough, Overclock's fifth stage will give him the power to utterly decimate any resistance. However, he will be putting himself in a precarious situation, due to the immense drain on his energy reserves. Assuming that he is outlasted in his final form, he can be brought down.] [b]Chief Director's Eyes Only: [Clearance Level S6] Verified S-Class Threat. Full Ratings: Brute 3(Shaker 12), Mover 10, Tinker 9, Thinker 6, Striker/Breaker 4, Trump 10 CRITICAL: Collin Erenado hails from another reality entirely, and his powers come from a completely different patron than Scion or Eden (another Entity?). Apparently, he had what amounted the first example of a Second Trigger on his world and became far too powerful to oppose directly or leave alone. Several powerful capes of theirs banished him to another dimension to get rid of him; however, Contessa and Doormaker have been unable to locate that home world. (Doormaker is the solution if he becomes too much trouble?) Due to the utterly foreign nature of his powers, he seems to be entirely immune to any and all Zion and Eden based nullification Trump powers. Though he can be modeled by The Path, his powers and the results of their use cannot. At the same time, precognition is not at all effective on him long-term, only able to be applied correctly with short-term combat precognition. He is literally immortal. Though his base Brute rating is only sufficient to make him a noticeably superior human, he can be killed. The problem is that he doesn't [i]stay[/i] dead. As far as can be guessed, his mind is never actually located in this dimensional plane and is hidden away much like Scion's real body. Should he be killed, his body disintegrates and is rebuilt in that other dimension. After a time proportional to how grievous his wounds were upon death, he will reappear where he died none the worse for wear. Claims this is the ability that finally got him banished from his world.[/b] [/hider]