[quote=@Lewascan2] Well, the great thing about Worm (the setting he's popping in from), is that Parahuman powers are, at their core, dimensionally-based. In particular, the Threat Report/CS specifically names "Doormaker" as a counter to get rid of him. Doormaker can open portals from basically anywhere to pretty much anywhere else, even across dimensions, and he's paired up with another person called the "Clairvoyant" whose power is basically multiversal omniscience and the ability to share it with people she touches. The power-synergy is fairly blatant. So, let's assume they have finally killed Scion (the genocidal big bad of the series), and the dimensional barriers that he created around their local multiverse are gone. What remains of Cauldron (basically morally dubious super-powered Illuminati) can now sic Doormaker on Collin and send him far away so that he's no longer their problem, having no further use for him. They don't really care about where they send him exactly other than "as far away as possible". Collin could be literally dumped into the narrative at any time and any location that isn't shielded from dimensional travel. [/quote] Okay, sweet, I like it. Shooting him near [@Dark Cloud]'s character Alna and my character Misty would probably be most convenient at the moment. For whatever it's worth, Misty is mute, so I'd probably need to bring in her translator sooner or later.