[CENTER][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][h2][b]B O O K I - T H E T H I E F[/b][/h2][/COLOR][hr][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/6207H8M.jpeg[/IMG][hr][/CENTER] [color=darkgray][INDENT][INDENT]Spring was in full bloom in Mossflower. Warm westerly winds had chased away the last of the snow and the trees were beginning to blossom and begin anew the circle of growth and life. Mossflower Woods was alive with the sound of young life and the chirps of birds returning from beyond Southsward. Pacing through the courtyard, the elderly mole, Abbot Munty, observed the beasts of the Abbey hard at work as they scurried about preparing the gardens for planting and sowing the crops to care for over the next season before harvesting them once Autumn comes. It had been a tranquil time of peace in Mossflower over the past seasons. Mossflower had not seen trouble since the time of Abbot Thibb. It was an unparalleled period of peace, the likes of which hadn't been experienced since the time before Matthias and the Late Rose Summer Wars. Today was a special day at the Abbey. It was Nameday, the day when the Abbot of Redwall Abbey formally named the season. The occasion was particularly exciting for Dibbuns, but also for grown beasts since it was marked by a feast and many fun activities lasting up to two days. The tradition had been mostly unchanged since the time of Abbess Vale although some Abbots chose to hold the feast in the orchard depending on the season and weather as opposed to the Great Hall where all feasts were traditionally held. The previous night had been filled with stories of heroes and Namedays of old, while the morning saw the Dibbuns begin their parade around the Courtyard while they had begun their traditional song calling for the feast to begin. The feast in question had been in the process of preparation since the previous day and all Abbey beasts had awoken to aromatic smells of the various foods being prepared. It was a joyous day for them all. [COLOR=WHITE]"Spare a crumb for the p'or and unfort'nate?"[/color] A voice suddenly cried through the din. It came from outside of the Abbey walls, catching the attention of Abbot Munty as he made his way towards the gatehouse to see how Brother Rigby and Zaris were getting along with the gatekeeper, Brother Jethro. [COLOR=WHITE]"Oi, who be thurr outsides the gates?"[/color] The Abbot asked as he approached the small building alongside the main gate. Peering down over the wall, the vole gatekeeper could see a stoat alongside a rat and a ferret. [COLOR=WHITE]"It be vermin, Father,"[/COLOR] The vole called back. [COLOR=WHITE]"We be not but humble forest beast, we're simply starving and Redwall Abbey has a repu-atation of 'elping p'or beasts in a need."[/COLOR] [COLOR=WHITE]"Abbot?"[/COLOR] Brother Jethro asked. [COLOR=WHITE]"Haver 'em searched fo thur weapons,"[/COLOR] The mole nodded, [COLOR=WHITE]"But'er Redwall does notter turna way any beast in needed."[/COLOR] [COLOR=WHITE]"We have not any weapons!"[/COLOR] The stoat called again, [COLOR=WHITE]"We're naught but peaceful vermin."[/COLOR] [COLOR=WHITE]"We'll be the judge of that,"[/COLOR] Jethro called back as he began to open the door. Approaching the three vermin, Jethro held his quarterstaff tightly while the vermin opened their cloaks to reveal that they were indeed unarmed. Nodding his approval, Jethro motioned them through the gate before calling to Brother Rigby. [COLOR=WHITE]"Help these three find their way to the Great Hall, they can earn their meal but helping the Friar."[/COLOR] Watching them leave, Jethro turned to Zaris. [COLOR=WHITE]"Keep an eye on those three, I don't trust vermin in the abbey."[/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT][/COLOR]