[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211208/c74d12e522e452bb5aea0e5767795a9b.png[/img][/center] The departure of the Intervention had been timely if rather dull, as most boarding was. The only time Kaevius had found that getting ready to leave had any sort of real urgency was during the war, so it was nice in it's own way. Meant that everyone was, hopefully, well on their way to fixing the damages as best they could. If the Citadel had the capability of putting together a whole new security fleet aside from C-Sec they must not be doing too poorly in his opinion. He'd moved ship to ground and back to ship enough during the war to have slipped into a easy routine. Get his personal effects stored away in his quarters, check the layout of the ship in general, but finish his walk about in the armory to see what kind of supplies they had for tinkering on his guns and armor. Presently he was rather impressed with the organization and supplies. That was plain for anyone to see by the gleam in his eyes and slight bounce to his step that most Turians didn't have. If he was going to be in a new place, he'd make the best of it. Besides, that meant there would be a number of new crewmembers to meet, and for once he wasn't stuck with a bunch of haughty members of his own race. The intercoms rang throughout the ship as he began to make his way down to the armory and a series of amused chuckles escaped him as their captain began to speak. It was obvious she didn't have the sheer charisma that many of the captains had, nor the strict no nonsense attitude that his previous CO did, but he couldn't help but appreciate the unrehearsed honesty of it. Given his time at C-Sec and the amount of red tape they had to slog through to get even the smallest thing done, it seemed like the Security Fleet might have a bit more of a relaxed air to it. If that was the case he wasn't going to complain. This was going to be quite the trip though, he was certain of that. It only took a brief moment for the door to the armory to open and his mandibles fluttered slightly as he was able to take in the familiar space. If there was one thing that was similar across most ships that he had been on it was the armory. If he was going to be working as the weapons specialist on the ship it'd be best to get to know the space right? He also made a mental note to check on the actual defenses of the ship as a whole, might be possible to make some improvements during their travel just in case Cerberus got ballsy. A quick check of his own weapons left him free to settle into his space and get comfortable. He was sure he'd get to know the rest of the crew in time, but presently he was more concerned with getting familiar with his surroundings. There'd be time for fun later.