[quote=@Lewascan2] *I started a bit, before clearing my throat with a bit a self-conscious chuckle.* [color=00a651]Sorry, I forgot this isn't Earth for a bit, so I might be throwing around a fair bit of unfamiliar terminology. Right, so... First off, a Yandere is a term in Japanese, another local language of my Earth. The "dere" means "love" or something I think, and the "Yan" bit... I really forget, but it was something like "obsession" or "crazy". I don't know. Anyway, in our motion pictures/movies/anime stuff, Yanderes -the most well-known ones anyway- tend to be pink-haired, Japanese and obsessively mad in love with a single target, who they usually try to kill off any romantic competition for. The reason this is relevant is that Yandere -the nutter from my world- was A: Japanese, B: dyed her hair pink and ran around in some school-girl-looking getup, and C: absolutely [i]obsessed[/i] with a single goal. Granted, that goal was saving humanity from the same thing I eventually did, but...[/color] *My expression turned flat.* [color=00a651]She was utterly batshit [i]insane[/i] as a result of her powers. To put this into perspective, her powers had an automatic time-travel function. If she died, a "Groundhog day" scenario was initiated, hurling her back in time by a week... up to as far as the day she unlocked said powers. She had easily died hundreds of thousands of times by the first time I ever heard of her, failed to save humanity time and time again, so to say the least... her methods had started to get [i]extreme[/i]. Gambling on the butterfly effect, Yandere had started doing everything in her power to cause the most extreme divergences in the timeline, praying that she would somehow eventually hit upon the "golden victory" timeline. She was a monster, ran around causing havoc and slaughter with her merry little band of psychos she called "the Seven Deadly Sins". Honestly... in the end, we couldn't even put her down for good, merely imprison and "seal" her away like some stupid story cliche.[/color] *I swallowed thickly, before shaking my head and dismissing the vague worries struggling to bubble back to the surface after all this time. Yandere was [i]gone[/i], entire dimensions away, and even if she got free, her time travel would never undo our saving the world in truth. The only thing she could ever do was inevitably trap herself back in stone.* *My expression smoothed out at the pun and the declaration. Yet another being that probably ridiculously outclassed me? honestly, par for the course at this point. Bring it on.* [color=00a651]Old friend?[/color] [/quote] *Falls from the ceiling, my skull rolling away from my body* agh, my neck.