[quote=@Dark Cloud] [color=bc8dbf]A guest, hopefully I can accommodate to your needs if you wish I can have a residence built for you outside of the keep or you may have a room here.[/color] [/quote] *Working my jaw, I couldn't help my brows furrowing, as I hummed thoughtfully. Glancing around at the room's occupants, I decided to be forthright.* [color=00a651]Right, so... as much as I'd love to believe you're the purely altruistic sort, I hope you'll forgive me asking what the catch is? I mean, I don't really got anywhere to go or... I guess goals presently. But I did used to do mercenary work. As long as it's not innately conventionally morally contemptable, I'm game for paying back a favor. Though, given how uh... out of my depth I'm feeling here, I can't quite imagine what I could do that you can't far more quickly and effortlessly.[/color]